Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Philippians 2:3 (NET)

2:3 Instead of being motivated by selfish ambition or vanity , each of you should, in humility , be moved to treat one another as more important than yourself .


  • Phi 2:1-11 -- Christian Unity and Christ's Humility

Bible Dictionary


(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
  • Alangkah Indahnya [KJ.448] ( Blest Be the Tie That Binds )
  • Berbahagia Tiap Rumah Tangga [KJ.318]
  • Hari Ini Tuhan Berkati [KJ.317]
  • Seluruh Umat Tuhan olehNya Dikenal [KJ.282]


Sermon Illustrations

Tips for Sharing Your Faith With Your Family


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • Matthew presents Jesus in the purple and gold of royalty. Mark portrays Him in the brown and green of a servant who has come to do His Father's will.The message of the book is similar to Matthew's message. A concise statement...
  • "John 7 has three time divisions: before the feast (vv. 1-10), in the midst of the feast (vv. 11-36), and on the last day of the feast (vv. 37-52). The responses during each of those periods can be characterized by three word...
  • 13:12 Jesus now returned to His role as the disciples' teacher, which His change of clothing and physical position indicated. He began to explain the significance of what He had done, though full comprehension would come to t...
  • "With rhetoric full of sarcasm and irony he [Paul] goes for the jugular. His own apostleship, which he portrays in bold relief, contrasting his own shame' with their perceived high station,' is alone consonant with a theology...
  • Practical application now follows theological explanation.11:33 Rather than disregarding the members of the congregation who had little or no food to bring to the love feasts, those who had plenty should share what they had. ...
  • Paul cited the example of Jesus Christ's gift of Himself for needy humanity to motivate his readers further to finish their work of assembling the collection.8:8 Paul wanted his readers to understand that he did not want them...
  • The Philippian Christians were special favorites of the apostle Paul. Their response to the gospel and their subsequent progress in the faith were exemplary. However the connections between Paul and Philippi that the New Test...
  • I. Salutation 1:1-2II. Prologue 1:3-26A. Thanksgiving 1:3-8B. Prayer 1:9-11C. Progress report 1:12-261. Paul's present imprisonment 1:12-182. Paul's anticipated deliverance 1:19-26III. Partnership in the gospel 1:27-4:9A. A w...
  • The apostle proceeded to express his sincere gratitude to God for his friends in Philippi. He did this to assure them of God's continuing working for them and his satisfaction with their partnership in the work of the gospel....
  • The first sub-section (1:27-30) begins with a topic sentence that expresses Paul's desire for the Philippians. Then he proceeded to explain and to illustrate what constitutes a worthy walk (2:1-4:9)."With this section we come...
  • Paul advocated humility, namely concern for the needs of others, not just one's own needs, as the basis for unity in the church (cf. 1:22-26; 2:21).". . . someone well said: Love begins when someone else's needs are more impo...
  • This paragraph is the most important one in the epistle and the most difficult to interpret."By anyone's reckoning, 2:6-11 constitutes the single most significant block of material in Philippians."582:5 Paul introduced an ill...
  • "The detailed attention just given to the Christ-hymn must not obscure the fact that vv 12-18 are part of a larger parenetic section--1:27-2:18. Exhortation is resumed again through the frequent use of the imperative mood, or...
  • Another messenger would arrive in Philippi before either Paul or Timothy. Epaphroditus would carry this epistle to its destination. Paul wrote this pericope to prepare for a proper reception of its courier and to draw attenti...
  • This last section (4:2-9) of the body of the epistle (1:27-4:9) deals with the same two subjects as the preceding two sections, unity and steadfastness, but in more detail. Paul gave his readers specific instructions about wh...
  • 4:2 Euodia ("Success") and Syntyche ("Lucky") were evidently two women in the Philippian congregation.145"For the Pauline letters, this is a remarkable moment indeed, since Paul does here what he seldom does elsewhere in conf...
  • Paul gave his readers five other brief positive exhortations all of which are vitally important for individual and corporate Christian living. They all result in the maintenance of peace in the body so the saints can work tog...
  • The apostle began this epistle by sharing some personal information about his situation in Rome (1:12-26). He now returned from his concerns for the Philippians (1:27-4:9) to his own circumstances (4:10-20). Notice the somewh...
  • Having dealt with the source of interpersonal and inner personal conflicts that believers in particular and all people generally experience, James dealt next with a different aspect of the same problem. He did so to motivate ...
  • Peter continued to give directions concerning how the Christian should conduct himself or herself when dealing with the state since his readers faced suffering from this source.2:13-14 The Christian's relationship to the stat...
  • Peter concluded this section of instructions concerning respect for others with a discussion of the importance of loving our enemies.3:8 "To sum up"concludes the section on respect for others (2:13-3:12). This verse deals wit...

Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)

  • If there Is therefore any comfort in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any tender mercies and compassions, 2. Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be of the same mind, having the same love, being of...
  • The original has no verb in front of nothing' in Phil. 2:3, and it seems better to supply the one which has been so frequently used in the preceding exhortation than doing,' which carries us too abruptly into the outer region...
  • The same precise distinction between fashion' and .form.' which we have had occasion to notice in Phil. 2., recurs here. The fashion' of the body of our humiliation is external and transient; the' form' of the body of His glo...
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