What should I do to prepare for becoming a pastor?

Becoming qualified to serve as a pastor of God's people is dependent, if done according to the principles of God's Word, on meeting a number of qualifications. These qualifications not only include spiritual maturity and moral integrity as seen in 1 Timothy 3, but biblical training and giftedness as seen in Ephesians 4:12-16; 1 Pet. 4:10-11.

This is not something you can get over the Internet. While online studies can help you to grow, you need to become involved in a Bible teaching church that truly teaches the Word, and that can help you to grow and discover where your gifts and abilities are. A lot of biblical education is needed to equip you to be able to do accurate Bible study, message preparation, counseling, and a number of other needed skills. This requires the leadership of others who can observe your gifts and disciple you.

Along with this, you might consider enrolling in a Bible college. The path to knowing your gifts and discovering what God wants you to do involves seeking to grow and serve as God gives you opportunities. It may not be God's will for you to be a pastor. He may want you to be a missionary abroad, or a school teacher. But the Lord will lead you if your heart is right and you are in a place where you can grow, study, learn and get involved in ministry.

Above all else, get involved in a strong Bible teaching church, get in their Bible classes and in small group studies and find someone who is qualified to counsel and disciple you. The Lord will provide such a person if you commit this to him and will wait on Him.

In the meantime, let me encourage you to begin to study through our series, ABCs for Christian Growth, on our web site. If you are a new Christian, these studies will help you build a solid foundation for your faith. The third part of this series deals with multiplying your life for the Lord, but that is based on grasping the material in Parts 1 and 2. So I'd encourage you to start there and see what the Lord does in your life.

You might also work on developing other skills such as English grammar, spelling, writing, and reading because these things are vital and will improve your ability to study and grasp God's Word and communicate it to others.

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