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Text -- 2 Chronicles 24:14 (NET)

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24:14 When they were finished, they brought the rest of the silver to the king and Jehoiada. They used it to make items for the Lord’s temple, including items used in the temple service and for burnt sacrifices, pans, and various other gold and silver items. Throughout Jehoiada’s lifetime, burnt sacrifices were offered regularly in the Lord’s temple.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Jehoiada a chief priest; father of Benaiah, head of David's body guard,chief priest under Athaliah and Joash,a prince of the house of Aaron who defected to David with his men,a man who was a counselor of King David,a chief priest in the time of Jeremiah,son of Eliashib the high priest in Nehemiah's time

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Jehoiada | Money | Priest | Revivals | Temple | Silver | Liberality | Joash | JERUSALEM, 4 | PRIEST, HIGH | TAX; TAXING | TREASURY, (OF TEMPLE) | Israel | more
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