Topic : Life

Typical Lifespan

Someone has calculated how a typical lifespan of 70 years is spent. Here is the estimate:

Sleep23 years.32.9%
Work16 years22.8%
TV8 years11.4%
Eating6 years8.6%
Travel6 years8.6%
Leisure4.5 years6.5%
Illness4 years5.7%
Dressing2 years2.8%
Religion0.5 years0.7%
TOTAL70 years100%

Our Daily Bread, November 25, 1992

How You Spend Your Timse

In an average lifetime, the average American spends:

In an Average Lifetime, Tom Heymann


The Seven Stages of Man

The seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills, wills. - Richard J. Needham,

The Wit and Wisdom of Richard Needham

Life On Mars

A story making the rounds concerns a Biology I examination in which the students were asked: “Suppose you could take to Mars any of the laboratory equipment used in this course. How would you determine if there was life on Mars?” One student responded: “Ask the inhabitants. Even a negative answer would be significant.” The student got an A.

Carl Sagan, Other Worlds


Meaning of - C. Swindoll, Growing Strong, p. 216

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