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Jeremiah 11:5

11:5 Then I will keep the promise I swore on oath to your ancestors to give them a land flowing with milk and honey.” 1  That is the very land that you still live in today.’” 2  And I responded, “Amen! Let it be so, 3  Lord!”

Jeremiah 11:7

11:7 For I solemnly warned your ancestors to obey me. 4  I warned them again and again, 5  ever since I delivered them out of Egypt until this very day.

Jeremiah 11:10

11:10 They have gone back to the evil ways 6  of their ancestors of old who refused to obey what I told them. They, too, have paid allegiance to 7  other gods and worshiped them. Both the nation of Israel and the nation of Judah 8  have violated the covenant I made with their ancestors.
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[11:5]  1 tn The phrase “a land flowing with milk and honey” is very familiar to readers in the Jewish and Christian traditions as a proverbial description of the agricultural and pastoral abundance of the land of Israel. However, it may not mean too much to readers outside those traditions; an equivalent expression would be “a land of fertile fields and fine pastures.” E. W. Bullinger (Figures of Speech, 626) identifies this as a figure of speech called synecdoche where the species is put for the genus, “a region…abounding with pasture and fruits of all kinds.”

[11:5]  2 tn Heb “‘a land flowing with milk and honey,’ as at this day.” However, the literal reading is too elliptical and would lead to confusion.

[11:5]  3 tn The words “Let it be so” are not in the text; they are an explanation of the significance of the term “Amen” for those who may not be part of the Christian or Jewish tradition.

[11:7]  4 tn Heb “warned them…saying, ‘Obey me.’” However, it allows the long sentence to be broken up easier if the indirect quote is used.

[11:7]  5 tn For the explanation for this rendering see the note on 7:13.

[11:10]  6 tn Or “They have repeated the evil actions of….”

[11:10]  7 tn Heb “have walked/followed after.” See the translator’s note at 2:5 for the idiom.

[11:10]  8 tn Heb “house of Israel and house of Judah.”

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