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Leviticus 18:7

18:7 You must not 1  expose your father’s nakedness by having sexual intercourse with your mother. 2  She is your mother; you must not have intercourse with her.

Leviticus 18:10

18:10 You must not expose the nakedness of your son’s daughter or your daughter’s daughter by having sexual intercourse with them, because they are your own nakedness. 3 
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[18:7]  1 tn The verbal negative here is the same as that used in the Ten Commandments (Exod 20:4-5, 7, 13-17). It suggests permanent prohibition rather than a simple negative command and could, therefore, be rendered “must not” here and throughout the following section as it is in vv. 3-4 above.

[18:7]  2 tn Heb “The nakedness of your father and [i.e., even] the nakedness of your mother you shall not uncover.”

[18:10]  3 sn That is, to have sexual intercourse with one’s granddaughter would be like openly exposing one’s own shameful nakedness (see the note on v. 7 above).

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