Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  1 Kings >  Exposition >  II. THE DIVIDED KINGDOM 1 Kings 12--2 Kings 17 >  B. The Period of Alliance -1 Kings 16:29-2 Kings 9:29 >  1. Ahab's evil reign in Israel 16:29-22:40 > 
Ahab's death 22:29-40 
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Ahab probably disguised himself (v. 30) since he was Ben-Hadad's primary target. He had broken their treaty (v. 31). However his plan to thwart God's will failed. He could not fool or beat Yahweh. One arrow providentially guided was all God needed (v. 34). Wounded Ahab watched the battle from his chariot until he died that evening (v. 35). Israel lost the battle (v. 36; cf. v. 17). Ahab became the source of much discipline rather than a source of great blessing to Israel because he disregarded God's word and will (cf. Saul).

The fact that the Israelites buried Ahab at all is a tribute to God's grace. Notwithstanding he suffered the ignominy of having the dogs lick his blood and that at the pool where the despised and unclean prostitutes bathed (v. 38). Perhaps this was fitting since he too had sold himself.

Ahab was really a capable ruler in spite of his gross spiritual idolatry, which the writer of Kings emphasized. He was generally successful militarily because of the native abilities God had given him and because God showed mercy to Israel. His alliance with Jehoshaphat began the period of peace between Israel and Judah that lasted 33 years. Archaeologists have discovered more than 200 ivory figures, bowls, and plaques in only one storeroom of Ahab's Samaria palace, a tribute to the wealth he enjoyed (cf. v. 39). He also fortified several cities in Israel (v. 39). However in spite of all his positive contributions, his setting up of Baal worship as the official religion of the nation weakened Israel as never before. His reign took the Northern Kingdom to new depths of depravity. Because he did not acknowledge Yahweh as Israel's King and did not submit to Him, Ahab's personal life ended in tragedy, even a violent death (cf. Saul; 1 Sam. 31). Furthermore the nation he represented experienced God's chastening instead of His blessing. Agricultural infertility and military defeat marked Ahab's reign as we read of it in 1 Kings.

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