Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  II. Book 2: chs. 42--72 > 
Psalm 60 
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The occasion for this psalm was Israel's victory over the Arameans and the Edomites (cf. 2 Sam. 8:13; 1 Kings 11:15-16; 1 Chron. 18:12). Naharaim (lit. rivers) and Zobah were regions in Aramea. In this battle Joab was responsible for defeating 12,000 Edomites (2 Sam. 8:13). Joab's brother Abishai was the field commander, and the writer of Chronicles gave him the credit for the total victory (1 Chron. 18:12).

This is a didactic psalm according to the superscription. That is, David wrote it to teach the readers to trust in the Lord when they encountered similar difficulties.

 1. A cry for deliverance in battle 60:1-5
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60:1-3 In the battle with the Arameans, Israel's enemy overcame her temporarily. David viewed this defeat as punishment from the Lord. He called out in prayer for national restoration. Since God had allowed the defeat, He was the One who could reverse it.

60:4 Apparently David meant God had led His people into battle (given them a banner) only to let them fall before their enemy to teach Israel a lesson.

60:5 David now requested divine deliverance for the chosen people. God's right hand represents His might. Verses 5-12 are identical to 108:6-13.

 2. A reminder of assured victory 60:6-8
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60:6 David quoted a prophecy assuring Israel's military success that he had received. God had said He would give Shechem and the valley of Succoth (the Jordan Valley?) to Israel. Shechem is the site where God first promised Canaan to Abraham and his descendents (Gen. 12). It was also where Jacob lived after he returned to Canaan from Paddan-aram and Laban's oppression (Gen. 33:18-20). Succoth was the place Jacob settled after God delivered him from Esau when Jacob returned from Paddan-aram (Gen. 33:17). Both places had associations with past victories over Arameans and the fulfillment of God's promises concerning the land.

60:7 Gilead was Israel's promised territory east of the Jordan River. The tribal territory of Manasseh straddled the Jordan. Ephraim was one of Israel's strongest and most secure tribes. It lay in central western Canaan and was similar to a helmet in that it provided defense. God had promised Judah the right to rule the other tribes (Gen. 49:10) that the scepter symbolized.

60:8 Moab would serve God as a washbasin. His people would experience purification there as they fought this neighbor. God would throw His shoe toward Edom as a man threw his shoe toward his servant when he came home. The Edomites were God's servants, not His sons as the Israelites were. The NIV's translation, "Over Philistia I shout in triumph,"pictures God announcing David's victory over the Arameans to this enemy.

 3. An expression of confidence in God 60:9-12
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60:9-10 David was confident in view of God's promises to subdue Israel's enemies and give her the Promised Land. He would lead the Israelites in ultimate victory even though He had allowed them to suffer immediate defeat.

60:11-12 David acknowledged that victory had to come from God. The Israelites could not obtain it without His help. However with His aid, they could and would overcome valiantly.118

Both victory and defeat come from God. Consequently believers should look to Him in both situations and should rely on His supernatural strength and His covenant promises for success against their enemies.

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