Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  I. Book 3: chs 73--89 > 
Psalm 79 
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In this psalm Asaph lamented Jerusalem's destruction and pleaded with God to have mercy on His people despite their sins for His name's sake (cf. Ps. 74). This Asaph may have lived after the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem. The writer's viewpoint seems to be that of the survivors left in Jerusalem rather than that of the deportees, which Psalm 137 reflects.

 1. A lament over Jerusalem's destruction 79:1-4
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Enemies had invaded Israel, defiled the temple, destroyed Jerusalem, and left the bodies of Israel's soldiers unburied. To lie unburied was the final humiliation, as an animal for which no one cared. Consequently God's inheritance had become an object of derision for her neighbors.

 2. A plea for deliverance 79:5-12
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79:5-9 The psalmist wondered how long God would be angry with His people and allow them to suffer defeat and humiliation. Would He let His jealousy for Israel's affection burn as a fire forever? He urged God to direct His rage at Israel's enemies who disregarded Him and devoured His habitation. He also asked God to forget the sins of the Israelites' ancestors and to show compassion to His lowly people. He based his petition on God's glory as well as the Israelites' need.

79:10-12 Asaph continued to appeal for physical salvation on the basis of God's honor. He asked for vengeance against the enemy that had slain many of God's elect. He urged God to answer the prayers of the prisoners who appealed to Him for deliverance. He wanted a thorough repayment of the reproach the enemy had heaped on Yahweh's name for the Lord's not giving Israel victory.

 3. A promise of future praise 79:13
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The psalmist promised God's people would reward Him with unceasing praise if He would give them deliverance. He viewed the people as God's helpless sheep. He said their praise would be public from then on for this salvation.

It is appropriate to petition God for vengeance when enemies defeat God's people and consequently make Him look bad. He will deliver eventually because He has promised to preserve His own. However, discipline may continue a long time if sin has been gross.

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