Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Isaiah >  Exposition >  III. Israel's crisis of faith chs. 7--39 >  B. God's sovereignty over the nations chs. 13-35 >  2. Divine victory over the nations chs. 24-27 >  The future regathering of God's people ch. 27 > 
The future blessing and former discipline of Israel 27:2-11 
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27:2 Isaiah, speaking for the Lord, announced that a delightful vineyard that produced wine was in view, and that the news about it was so good that the hearers could sing about it. The vineyard was an ancient and popular figure of the nation of Israel that Isaiah used earlier (5:7).

27:3 Yahweh had been its keeper, faithfully meeting its needs and vigilantly warding off its enemies (cf. 5:1-4; Ps. 121:4-5; Matt. 21:33; John 10:11-13).

27:4 He would not be angry with Israel in that future day (cf. Rom. 3:21-26; 5:8-11), as He had been in the past. If enemies tried to damage His vineyard, He would destroy them (cf. 5:6).

27:5 Enemies of the vineyard could come to the Lord for His protection and He promised to provide it (cf. 16:4-5). Peace would be possible for any enemies of God's people. In the Hebrew text the emphasis is on "with Me"in the first "Let him make peace with Me"and on "peace"in the second.

27:6 In the past Israel had been a wild vine (cf. Ps. 80), but in the future it would prove healthy and extremely productive. In fact it would be so vigorous that it would fill the whole earth with its goodness (cf. Gen. 49:22). Israel will have a positive influence on the whole world during the Millennium (cf. 35:1-3, 6-7; Gen. 12:3; Amos 9:13-14; Zech. 14:8).

"We can certainly see a spiritual fulfillment of this in the progress of the gospel throughout the world, for the Messiah is himself the true Vine (John 15:1-8) and his disciples the fruit-bearing branches. In this way God's purpose for Israel finds its expression in the supreme Israelite and those who are joined by faith to him."259

The figure of the vineyard ends here, and God's method of dealing with Israel follows.

27:7 Rhetorically Isaiah asked if the Lord had ever dealt as harshly with Israel as He had with Israel's oppressors. He had not, of course. He had always demonstrated special care and restraint when He dealt with His chosen people.

27:8 The Lord had scattered His people when they needed punishment, but He had not destroyed them.260He had let the fierce winds of His anger blow on them, but, as with the sirocco, His anger eventually subsided.

27:9 God would forgive Israel's iniquity in the same restrained fashion. He would provide for the pardoning of Israel's sin. This is a wonderful expression of salvation by grace. Consequently, Israel would not pursue idolatry any longer, neither would there be any more need for sacrificial altars.

27:10-11 At that time the city of the world (24:10, 12; 25:2), notable for its fortifications, will lie overthrown and isolated.261The prophet pictured the deserted condition of that city: calves grazing there and breaking off dry limbs without human restraint, and women gathering dry wood for fires. Normally these activities took place outside cities. Dry limbs reflect a desolate condition since normally trees in cities were alive. The reason for the destruction of this city is that its inhabitants did not have discernment. They did not see their need to humble themselves and submit to God even though He took great care to form them as His creatures.

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