Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Isaiah >  Exposition >  V. Israel's future transformation chs. 56--66 >  B. Revelation of future glory chs. 60-62 >  2. Israel under the Lord chs. 61-62 > 
The need for faith 62:10-12 
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Having learned of the mission of the Anointed One to bring salvation to Israel, and having received promises of benefits that would accompany His salvation, the Israelites needed to believe these promises in spite of impending exile in Babylon. This pericope concludes the section of Isaiah dealing with the revelation of future glory (chs. 60-62; cf. 40:1-11; 52:1-12).

62:10 With now familiar figures for preparing a highway (cf. 7:3; 11:16; 19:23; 33:8; 35:8; 36:2; 49:11; 59:7), Isaiah called on God's people to plan for the fulfillment of the promised redemption, return to the land, and Gentile worship. They should not just wait passively but should take steps to express and to bolster their faith in these promises.

62:11 By proclaiming to the end of the earth that Yahweh would save the Israelites, the Lord was guaranteeing that He would do it. This was not just a private promise to Israel but one that the world could anticipate. Here the prophet personified salvation as the Anointed One. When the Anointed One came, salvation would come. He would receive a reward from Yahweh for saving His people as well as retribution, His people themselves. Consequently everyone needed to get ready.

62:12 Then the nations would call the Israelites the holy people (in standing and state; cf. Exod. 19:6; Deut. 7:6), those whom Yahweh had redeemed (physically and spiritually) and sought out. They would refer to Jerusalem as the city that the Lord had not forsaken. In short, Yahweh would restore His people's relationship with Himself.

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