Mitspeh <04708>

hpum Mitspeh

Origin:the same as 04707
PrtSpch:n pr loc (noun proper locative)
In Hebrew:htpumh 4, hpum 3, hpumhw 2, hpummw 1
In NET:Mizpah 9
In AV:Mizpeh 9, Mizpah 5, Strong's synonym 1
Definition : Mizpeh = "watchtower" 1) a city in the district of the Shephelah or lowlands of Judah 2) a place in Moab on the east of the Jordan 3) a place in Gilead 4) a place near Mount Hermon 5) a place in Benjamin; also 'Mizpah'
the same as 4707; Mitspeh, the name of five places in Palestine: KJV -- Mizpeh, watch tower. Compare 4709.
see HEBREW for 04707
see HEBREW for 04709
Related Greek:-
in Bible
:Mizpah (NET, NASB, NIV)
Mizpeh (NRSV, TEV)

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