n@belah <05038>

hlbn n@belah

Origin:from 05034
Reference:TWOT - 1286a
PrtSpch:n f (noun feminime)
In Hebrew:wtlbn 6, Mtlbn 6, hlbn 5, hlbnh 5, tlbn 5, tlbnb 4, Mtlbnm 4, Mtlbnb 3, Ktlbn 2, Mtlbnbw 2, wtlbnw 1, hlbnw 1, htlbnb 1, htlbnm 1, htlbn 1, ytlbn 1
In NET:carcass 16, corpse 10, corpses 4, dead bodies 4, died of natural causes 3, it 3, body 2, carcasses 2, dead body 1, lifeless statues 1, died a natural death 1, remains 1
In AV:carcase 36, dead body 5, dieth of itself 4, dead of itself 1, died 1, body 1
Definition : 1) carcass, corpse 1a) of humans, idols, animals
from 5034; a flabby thing, i.e. a carcase or carrion (human or bestial, often collectively); figuratively, an idol: KJV -- (dead) body, (dead) carcase, dead of itself, which died, (beast) that (which) dieth of itself.
see HEBREW for 05034
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