piylegesh <06370>

vglyp piylegesh or vglp pilegesh

Pronunciation:pee-leh'-ghesh pee-leh'-ghesh
Origin:of uncertain derivation
Reference:TWOT - 1770
PrtSpch:n f (noun feminime)
In Hebrew:sglyp 6, wsglypw 4, sglp 3, Mysglp 3, wsglyp 3, Mysglyp 2, wsglypb 2, Mysglyph 2, ysglp 2, Mysglypw 2, whsglypw 1, wysglypw 1, ysglypw 1, ysglyp 1, Kysglp 1, Mhysglp 1, ysglypb 1, Mysglpw 1
In NET:concubine 21, concubines 14, genitals 1, she 1
In AV:concubine 35, concubine + 0802 1, paramours 1
Definition : 1) concubine, paramour 1a) concubine 1b) paramour
or pilegesh {pee-leh'-ghesh}; of uncertain derivation; a concubine; also (masculine) a paramour: KJV -- concubine, paramour.
Related Greek:-

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