The History and Nature of Spiritual Gifts
Topic : Gifts, spiritual, cf. spiritual giftsAt various times in history, God employed supernatural signs and miracles to accompany the message being given by His messengers. The purpose of these miracles was twofold: to draw special attention to the message, for it was, in most cases, new, or stronger than the one given before; and to authenticate the speaker. The miracles, and the special power given men to effectuate them, were not the focus of the message; they were secondary, simply intended to draw attention to the spoken words and to validate the speaker as Gods chosen representative.
Likewise the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christsalvation solely through faith in Himwas new in that it centered mens relationship with God on Jesus Himselfthe Son of God, our Advocate, God as Man. In the same way His promise of the Holy Spirit as our HelperGod in usrequired such abandonment of current Jewish thought that Christs ministry and that of the apostles were supported by continuous miraclessupernatural healings, speaking in unknown languages, sudden deathdesigned by God to promote His truth and lead witnesses to a saving faith in Christ.
At the moment of salvation when the believing person is baptized into the body of Christ, the Holy Spirit gives to every believer one or more gifts, God-given abilities for service as He chooses (1 Cor. 12:11). However we believe certain of these gifts were temporary, and were used of God to authenticate the gospel to the first century church and, in the process, to establish the biblical canon. Today, having a completed canon which provides for the full knowledge of God, these temporary gifts are no longer necessary to reveal Gods truth or to validate the speaker, and they are thus not a part of the believers normal life. At the same time, other gifts endure to equip believers for service and to edify the whole church body.