Topic : Gossip

Discussing Problems

Four men of the cloth, taking a short breather from their heavy schedules, were on a park bench, chatting and enjoying an early spring day. You know, since all of us are such good friends,” said one, “this might be a good time to discuss the problems that are disturbing us.” They all nodded in agreement. “Well, I would like to share with you the fact that I drink to excess,” said one. There was a gasp from the other three. Then another spoke up. “Since you were so honest, I’d like to say that my big problem is gambling. It’s terrible, I know, but I can’t quit. I’ve even been tempted to take money from the collection plate.” Another gasp was heard, and the third clergyman spoke. “I’m really troubled, brothers, because I’m growing fond of a woman in my church—a married woman. ”More gasps. But the fourth man remained silent. After a few minutes the others coaxed him to open up. “The fact is,” he said, “I just don’t know how to tell you about my problem. ”It’s all right, brother. Your secret is safe with us.”

“Well, it’s this way,” he said. “You see, I’m an incurable gossip.”

Arlene Quant, quoted by Alex Thien in Milwaukee Sentinel


Four preachers met for a friendly gathering. During the conversation one preacher said, “Our people come to us and pour out their hears, confess certain sins and needs. Let’s do the same. Confession is good for the soul.” In due time all agreed. One confessed he liked to go to movies and would sneak off when away from his church. The second confessed to liking to smoke cigars and the third one confessed to liking to play cards. When it came to the fourth one, he wouldn’t confess. The others pressed him saying, “Come now, we confessed ours. What is your secret or vice?” Finally he answered, “It is gossiping and I can hardly wait to get out of here.”

Source unknown

The Gossip

Many years ago the Moody Church News carried a humorous story about a woman in a small town who was know for being a gossip. One day on vacation she visited the offices of The Chicago Daily News. She was wearing a white dress and inadvertently leaned against a wall where a freshly printed copy of the front page was hanging. It was a hot, humid day, and some of the print came off on the back of her white dress.

Later, as she walked down the street to meet her husband, she noticed that people walking behind her were snickering. When she reached the place where her husband was waiting, she asked him if there was anything on her back that shouldn’t be there. As she turned around, he read the large black reversed letters: sweN ylaiD. Realizing the appropriateness of the words, he said, “No, dear, nothing’s on your back that doesn’t belong there.”

Our Daily Bread, June 23, 1994

Be Careful What You Say

In the course of your conversation each and every day,
Think twice, try to be careful of what you have to say;

Your remarks may be picked up by someone’s listening ear,
You may be surprised at what some people think they hear.

Things that you innocently say, or try to portray,
Can be changed, and greatly exaggerated along the way;

Many stories change for the worse as they are retold
So try to keep any questionable remarks “on hold.”

May I give all of you some very sound advice?
When you speak of others, say something nice.

Try to say good things, regardless of who is around,
If you have nothing good to say, don’t utter a sound.

You may find that an innocent remark, in the end,
May lose you a close and valued friend.

Henry Lesser, Teamwork, Darnell Corporation


Have you heard of the terrible family They,
And the dreadful venomous things They say'
Why, half the gossip under the sun,
If you trace it back, you will find begun
In that wretched House of They.

Ellen Wilcox Wheeler, Christopher News Notes, June 1992

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill exemplified integrity and respect in the face of opposition. During his last year in office, he attended an official ceremony. Several rows behind him two gentlemen began whispering. “That’s Winston Churchill.” “They say he is getting senile.” “They say he should step aside and leave the running of the nation to more dynamic and capable men.”

When the ceremony was over, Churchill turned to the men and said, “Gentlemen, they also say he is deaf!”

Barbara Hatcher, Vital Speeches, March 1, 1987

Lincoln’s Coffin

In 1887 the coffin of Abraham Lincoln was pried open to determine if it contained his body. What makes that act so remarkable is the fact that Lincoln’s body had rested in that coffin for 22 years. Yet, even more amazing is that 14 years later a rumor circulated again that Lincoln’s coffin was actually empty. The furor so gripped the land that the only way to silence it was to dig up the coffin—again. This was done and the rumor silenced when a handful of witnesses viewed the lifeless body of Abraham Lincoln.

Today in the Word, February, 1991, p. 27


I once formed a mutual encouragement fellowship at a time of stress in one of my pastorates. The members subscribed to a simple formula applied before speaking of any person or subject that was perhaps controversial.

If what I am about to say does not pass those tests, I will keep my mouth shut! And it worked!

Alan Redpath, from A Passion for Preaching


Sources unknown

Deadly Microbe

Morris Mandel in Bits and Pieces, June, 1990, p. 22.


If somebody says, “I hope you won’t mind me telling you this,” it’s pretty certain you will. One of the best ways to end a rumor is to ask if you may quote the individual passing it along. If the person says no, it’s possible that the rumor is just idle talk. If the person answers yes, you should contact the gossip’s subject to verify the story you heard. Also, if you like to spread news about others, ask yourself if you would want someone to quote you. A negative answer is a good sign you should keep your lips sealed on the matter. And a positive response should lead not to back-fence reporting but to up-front confronting.

Source unknown

Giant Earthworm

When a stretch of street swelled, cracked and then returned to normal within 20 minutes last summer, one city official joked that it was the work of a giant earthworm. Fire Dept. spokesman Charlie McCafferty, who make the quip, later chalked the 20-foot-long bulge up to a natural gas accumulation and forgot about it. Until Tuesday, when he learned that the weekly National Examiner carried the headline, “20-foot earthworm terrorizes city.swallows dogs.” The story told readers about a “top-level investigation ordered into the horrifying sighting of a giant earthworm.” McCafferty said he heard about the article when two frightened women phoned him about a creature “eating up dogs” they’d read about in the magazine. The tabloid quoted unidentified city officials and witnesses who said they saw the worm grab dogs and swallow them whole. Cliff Linedecker, news editor for the West Palm Beach, Fla. weekly, said the paper got the story from Frank Kendal, a stringer who “has given us some pretty good stories. It was a very good story and I saw no reason to question it,” he said. “We run into a lot of really unusual stories here.” When asked if he believed in such giant earthworms, he said, “Well I do now. When you’re dealing with the printed word. All I had to deal with was the printed word.”

February, 1985, Spokesman Review, of Fort Worth, Texas

Gossip Makers

Yiddish forklore offers a telling tale about gossip-makers. One such man had told so many malicious untruths about the local rabbi that, overcome by remorse, he begged the rabbi to forgive him. “And, Rebbe, tell me how I can make amends.”

The rabbi sighed, “Take two pillows, go to the public square and there cut the pillows open. Wave them in the air. Then come back.”

The rumormonger quickly went home, got two pillows and a knife, hastened to the square, cut the pillows open, waved them in the air and hastened back to the rabbi’s chambers. “I did just what you said, Rebbe!”

“Good.” The rabbi smiled. “Now, to realize how much harm is done by gossip, go back to the square...”


“And collect all your feathers.”

From Hooray for Yiddish


Four men of the cloth, taking a short breather from their heavy schedules, were on a park bench, chatting and enjoying an early spring day.

"You know, since all of us are such good friends,? said one, 'this might be a good time to discuss the problems that are disturbing us.? They all nodded in agreement.

"Well, I would like to share with you the fact that I drink to excess,? said one.

There was a gasp from the other three. Then another spoke up. 'since you were so honest, I'd like to say that my big problem is gambling. It's terrible, I know, but I can't quit. I've even been tempted to take money from the collection plate.'

Another gasp was heard, and the third clergyman spoke. "I'm really troubled, brothers, because I'm growing fond of a woman in my church-a married woman.'

More gasps. But the fourth man remained silent. After a few minutes the others coaxed him to open up. 'the fact is,? he said, "I just don't know how to tell you about my problem.'

"It's all right, brother. Your secret is safe with us.'

"Well, it's this way,? he said. "You see, I'm an incurable gossip.'

Arlene Quant, quoted by Alex Thien in Milwaukee Sentinel

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