18 Proven Stress Reducers
Fishing Boat
Nervous Wreck
Focus of Anxiety
Topic : Anxiety
Tepee vs. Wigwam
A man went to his psychiatrist and he said, Sometimes I think Im a tepee and sometimes I think Im a wigwam.
The psychiatrist said, Your problem is youre too tents.
18 Proven Stress Reducers
1. Dont rely on your memory. Write down appointments, when to pick up the laundry, when library books are due, etc.
2. Get up 15 minutes earlier in the morning so you dont start the day feeling frazzled.
3. Keep a duplicate car key in your wallet.
4. An instant cure for most stress: 30 minutes of brisk walking or other aerobic exercise.
5. Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and erring, for sometime in life you will have been all of these.
6. Say No, thank you to extra projects you dont have the time or energy for.
7. Set up contingency plans--just in case, If either of us is delayed, If we get separated in the Mall, heres what well do
8. Put brain in gear before opening mouth. Before saying anything, ask yourself if what you are about to say is 1 True, 2) Kind, and 3) Necessary.
9. Stop worrying, If something concerns you, do something about it. If you cant do anything about it, let it go.
10. For every one thing that goes wrong, there are 50 to 100 blessings. Count them.
11. Learn to live one day at a time.
12. Every day, do at least one thing you really enjoy.
13. Dont sweat the small stuff.
14. Laugh!
15. Remember that the best things in life arent things.
16. Add an ounce of love to everything you do.
17. If an unpleasant task faces you, do it early in the day and get it over with.
18. Do one thing at a time.
Fishing Boat
A fishing boat sank in rough, cold waters off Vancouver Island, leaving two men in a life raft tied to the sinking boat by a nylon rope. Neither had a knife to cut the rope, and had the ship sunk, it would have pulled the boat and the men down with it. For an hour, the two men alternated chewing the rope, Minutes before the ship sank, the men finally chewed through the rope and survived.
Nervous Wreck
Q. What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches'
A. A nervous wreck.
- How much have cost us the evils that never happened! - T. Jefferson
- Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all others thoughts are drained. - Arthur Somers Roche
- The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety. - George Mueller
Focus of Anxiety
An average persons anxiety is focused on :
- 40% -- things that will never happen
- 30% -- things about the past that cant be changed
- 12% -- things about criticism by others, mostly untrue
- 10% -- about health, which gets worse with stress
- 8% -- about real problems that will be faced