1 Chronicles 7:1-8

Issachar’s Descendants

7:1 The sons of Issachar:

Tola, Puah, Jashub, and Shimron – four in all.

7:2 The sons of Tola:

Uzzi, Rephaiah, Jeriel, Jahmai, Jibsam, and Samuel. They were leaders of their families. In the time of David there were 22,600 warriors listed in Tola’s genealogical records.

7:3 The son of Uzzi:


The sons of Izrahiah:

Michael, Obadiah, Joel, and Isshiah. All five were leaders.

7:4 According to the genealogical records of their families, they had 36,000 warriors available for battle, for they had numerous wives and sons. 7:5 Altogether the genealogical records of the clans of Issachar listed 87,000 warriors.

Benjamin’s Descendants

7:6 The sons of Benjamin:

Bela, Beker, and Jediael – three in all.

7:7 The sons of Bela:

Ezbon, Uzzi, Uzziel, Jerimoth, and Iri. The five of them were leaders of their families. There were 22,034 warriors listed in their genealogical records.

7:8 The sons of Beker:

Zemirah, Joash, Eliezer, Elioenai, Omri, Jeremoth, Abijah, Anathoth, and Alameth. All these were the sons of Beker.

tn Many English versions spell this name “Ibsam.”

tn Many English versions retain a form of this name closer to the Hebrew, i.e., “Shemuel.”

tn Heb “heads of the house of their fathers.”

tn Heb “to Tola [there were] warriors by their generations, their number in the days of David [was] 22,600.”

tn The Hebrew text has the plural “sons,” but only one son is listed.

tn Heb “and unto them by their generations to the house of their fathers [were] troops of war of battle, 36,000, for they had many wives and sons.”

tn Heb “and their brothers, according to all the clans of Issachar, the warriors [were] 87,000 listed in the genealogical records for all.”

tc The Hebrew text has simply “Benjamin,” but בְּנֵי (bÿney, “sons of”) has dropped out by haplography (בְּנֵי בִּנְיָמִן, bÿney binyamin).