1 Kings 18:41

18:41 Then Elijah told Ahab, “Go on up and eat and drink, for the sound of a heavy rainstorm can be heard.”

1 Kings 18:45-46

18:45 Meanwhile the sky was covered with dark clouds, the wind blew, and there was a heavy rainstorm. Ahab rode toward Jezreel. 18:46 Now the Lord energized Elijah with power; he tucked his robe into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel.

Job 36:27-33

36:27 He draws up drops of water;

they distill the rain into its mist,

36:28 which the clouds pour down

and shower on humankind abundantly.

36:29 Who can understand the spreading of the clouds,

the thunderings of his pavilion?

36:30 See how he scattered his lightning about him;

he has covered the depths 10  of the sea.

36:31 It is by these that he judges 11  the nations

and supplies food in abundance.

36:32 With his hands 12  he covers 13  the lightning,

and directs it against its target.

36:33 14 His thunder announces the coming storm,

the cattle also, concerning the storm’s approach.

Psalms 135:7

135:7 He causes the clouds to arise from the end of the earth,

makes lightning bolts accompany the rain,

and brings the wind out of his storehouses.

Psalms 147:8

147:8 He covers 15  the sky with clouds,

provides the earth with rain,

and causes grass to grow on the hillsides. 16 

tn Heb “for [there is] the sound of the roar of the rain.”

tn Heb “rode and went to.”

tn Heb “and the hand of the Lord was on Elijah.”

tn Heb “and girded up his loins.” The idea is that of gathering up the robes and tucking them into the sash or belt so that they do not get in the way of the legs when running (or working or fighting).

tn The verb means “to filter; to refine,” and so a plural subject with the drops of water as the subject will not work. So many read the singular, “he distills.”

tn This word עֵד (’ed) occurs also in Gen 2:6. The suggestion has been that instead of a mist it represents an underground watercourse that wells up to water the ground.

tn Heb “his booth.”

tn The word actually means “to spread,” but with lightning as the object, “to scatter” appears to fit the context better.

tn The word is “light,” but taken to mean “lightning.” Theodotion had “mist” here, and so most commentators follow that because it is more appropriate to the verb and the context.

10 tn Heb “roots.”

11 tn The verb is יָדִין (yadin, “he judges”). Houbigant proposedיָזוּן (yazun, “he nourishes”). This has found wide acceptance among commentators (cf. NAB). G. R. Driver retained the MT but gave a meaning “enriches” to the verb (“Problems in the Hebrew text of Job,” VTSup 3 [1955]: 88ff.).

12 tn R. Gordis (Job, 422) prefers to link this word with the later Hebrew word for “arch,” not “hands.”

13 tn Because the image might mean that God grabs the lightning and hurls it like a javelin (cf. NLT), some commentators want to change “covers” to other verbs. Dhorme has “lifts” (נִשָּׂא [nissa’] for כִּסָּה [kissah]). This fit the idea of God directing the lightning bolts.

14 tn Peake knew of over thirty interpretations for this verse. The MT literally says, “He declares his purpose [or his shout] concerning it; cattle also concerning what rises.” Dhorme has it: “The flock which sniffs the coming storm has warned the shepherd.” Kissane: “The thunder declares concerning him, as he excites wrath against iniquity.” Gordis translates it: “His thunderclap proclaims his presence, and the storm his mighty wrath.” Many more could be added to the list.

15 tn Heb “the one who covers.”

16 tn Heb “hills.”