Azariah son of Zadok was the priest.
6:11 Give us today our daily bread, 5
11:3 Give us each day our daily bread, 6
1 tn Heb “the food of Solomon for each day was.”
2 tn As a unit of dry measure a cor was roughly equivalent to six bushels.
3 tn The words “in the stall” are added for clarification; note the immediately following reference to cattle from the pasture.
5 tn Or “carry out, perform.”
7 tn Or “Give us bread today for the coming day,” or “Give us today the bread we need for today.” The term ἐπιούσιος (epiousio") does not occur outside of early Christian literature (other occurrences are in Luke 11:3 and Didache 8:2), so its meaning is difficult to determine. Various suggestions include “daily,” “the coming day,” and “for existence.” See BDAG 376-77 s.v.; L&N 67:183, 206.
9 tn Or “Give us bread each day for the coming day,” or “Give us each day the bread we need for today.” The term ἐπιούσιος (epiousio") does not occur outside of early Christian literature (other occurrences are in Matt 6:11 and Didache 8:2), so its meaning is difficult to determine. Various suggestions include “daily,” “the coming day,” and “for existence.” See BDAG 376 s.v.; L&N 67:183, 206.