25:43 David had also married 2 Ahinoam from Jezreel; the two of them became his wives.
27:2 So David left and crossed over to King Achish son of Maoch of Gath accompanied by his six hundred men.
2:2 No one is holy 4 like the Lord!
There is no one other than you!
There is no rock 5 like our God!
3:2 Eli’s eyes had begun to fail, so that he was unable to see well. At that time he was lying down in his place, 3:3 and the lamp of God had not yet been extinguished. Samuel was lying down in the temple of the Lord as well; the ark of God was also there.
1 tn Heb “going at her feet.”
1 tn Heb “taken.”
1 tn Heb “a man and his house.”
1 sn In this context God’s holiness refers primarily to his sovereignty and incomparability. He is unique and distinct from all other so-called gods.
2 tn The LXX has “and there is none righteous like our God.” The Hebrew term translated “rock” refers to a rocky cliff where one can seek refuge from enemies. Here the metaphor depicts God as a protector of his people. Cf. TEV “no protector like our God”; CEV “We’re safer with you than on a high mountain.”