1 Samuel 2:6-8

2:6 The Lord both kills and gives life;

he brings down to the grave and raises up.

2:7 The Lord impoverishes and makes wealthy;

he humbles and he exalts.

2:8 He lifts the weak from the dust;

he raises the poor from the ash heap

to seat them with princes

and to bestow on them an honored position.

The foundations of the earth belong to the Lord,

and he has placed the world on them.

1 Samuel 2:36

2:36 Everyone who remains in your house will come to bow before him for a little money and for a scrap of bread. Each will say, ‘Assign me to a priestly task so I can eat a scrap of bread.’”

tn Heb “Sheol”; NAB “the nether world”; CEV “the world of the dead.”

tn Or “lowly”; Heb “insignificant.”

tn The imperfect verbal form, which is parallel to the participle in the preceding line, is best understood here as indicating what typically happens.

tn Heb “a seat of honor.”

tn Heb “a piece of silver” (so KJV, NAB, NASB, NIV, NRSV).