2:1 But as for you, communicate the behavior that goes with 5 sound teaching. 2:2 Older men are to be temperate, dignified, self-controlled, 6 sound in faith, in love, and in endurance. 7
15:4 Speech 8 that heals 9 is like 10 a life-giving tree, 11
but a perverse tongue 12 breaks the spirit.
3:8 This saying 15 is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on such truths, 16 so that those who have placed their faith in God may be intent on engaging in good works. These things are good and beneficial for all people.
1 tn On this term BDAG 135 s.v. ἀρσενοκοίτης states, “a male who engages in sexual activity w. a pers. of his own sex, pederast 1 Cor 6:9…of one who assumes the dominant role in same-sex activity, opp. μαλακός…1 Ti 1:10; Pol 5:3. Cp. Ro 1:27.” L&N 88.280 states, “a male partner in homosexual intercourse – ‘homosexual.’…It is possible that ἀρσενοκοίτης in certain contexts refers to the active male partner in homosexual intercourse in contrast with μαλακός, the passive male partner” (cf. 1 Cor 6:9). Since there is a distinction in contemporary usage between sexual orientation and actual behavior, the qualification “practicing” was supplied in the translation, following the emphasis in BDAG.
2 tn Or “violent,” “cruel.”
3 tn Grk “the faithful message in accordance with the teaching” (referring to apostolic teaching).
4 tn Grk “the healthy teaching” (referring to what was just mentioned).
4 tn Grk “say what is fitting for sound teaching” (introducing the behavior called for in this chapter.).
5 tn Or “sensible.”
6 sn Temperate…in endurance. See the same cluster of virtues in 1 Thess 1:3 and 1 Cor 13:13.
6 tn Heb “a tongue.” The term “tongue” is a metonymy of cause for what is produced: speech.
7 tn Heb “a tongue of healing.” A healing tongue refers to speech that is therapeutic or soothing. It is a source of vitality.
8 tn The comparative “like” does not appear in the Hebrew text, but is implied by the metaphor; it is supplied for the sake of clarity.
9 tn Heb “tree of life.”
10 tn Heb “perversion in it.” The referent must be the tongue, so this has been supplied in the translation for clarity. A tongue that is twisted, perverse, or deceitful is a way of describing deceitful speech. Such words will crush the spirit (e.g., Isa 65:14).
7 tn Grk “the faithful message in accordance with the teaching” (referring to apostolic teaching).
8 tn Grk “the healthy teaching” (referring to what was just mentioned).
8 sn This saying (Grk “the saying”) refers to the preceding citation (Titus 3:4-7). See 1 Tim 1:15; 3:1; 4:9; 2 Tim 2:11 for other occurrences of this phrase.
9 tn Grk “concerning these things.”