Genesis 25:1-34

The Death of Abraham

25:1 Abraham had taken another wife, named Keturah. 25:2 She bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah. 25:3 Jokshan became the father of Sheba and Dedan. The descendants of Dedan were the Asshurites, Letushites, and Leummites. 25:4 The sons of Midian were Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah. All these were descendants of Keturah.

25:5 Everything he owned Abraham left to his son Isaac. 25:6 But while he was still alive, Abraham gave gifts to the sons of his concubines and sent them off to the east, away from his son Isaac.

25:7 Abraham lived a total of 175 years. 25:8 Then Abraham breathed his last and died at a good old age, an old man who had lived a full life. He joined his ancestors. 25:9 His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah 10  near Mamre, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar, the Hethite. 25:10 This was the field Abraham had purchased from the sons of Heth. 11  There Abraham was buried with his wife Sarah. 25:11 After Abraham’s death, God blessed 12  his son Isaac. Isaac lived near Beer Lahai Roi. 13 

The Sons of Ishmael

25:12 This is the account of Abraham’s son Ishmael, 14  whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah’s servant, bore to Abraham.

25:13 These are the names of Ishmael’s sons, by their names according to their records: 15  Nebaioth (Ishmael’s firstborn), Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, 25:14 Mishma, Dumah, Massa, 25:15 Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah. 25:16 These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names by their settlements and their camps – twelve princes 16  according to their clans.

25:17 Ishmael lived a total of 17  137 years. He breathed his last and died; then he joined his ancestors. 18  25:18 His descendants 19  settled from Havilah to Shur, which runs next 20  to Egypt all the way 21  to Asshur. 22  They settled 23  away from all their relatives. 24 

Jacob and Esau

25:19 This is the account of Isaac, 25  the son of Abraham.

Abraham became the father of Isaac. 25:20 When Isaac was forty years old, he married Rebekah, 26  the daughter of Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram and sister of Laban the Aramean. 27 

25:21 Isaac prayed to 28  the Lord on behalf of his wife because she was childless. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant. 25:22 But the children struggled 29  inside her, and she said, “If it is going to be like this, I’m not so sure I want to be pregnant!” 30  So she asked the Lord, 31  25:23 and the Lord said to her,

“Two nations 32  are in your womb,

and two peoples will be separated from within you.

One people will be stronger than the other,

and the older will serve the younger.”

25:24 When the time came for Rebekah to give birth, 33  there were 34  twins in her womb. 25:25 The first came out reddish 35  all over, 36  like a hairy 37  garment, so they named him Esau. 38  25:26 When his brother came out with 39  his hand clutching Esau’s heel, they named him Jacob. 40  Isaac was sixty years old 41  when they were born.

25:27 When the boys grew up, Esau became a skilled 42  hunter, a man of the open fields, but Jacob was an even-tempered man, living in tents. 43  25:28 Isaac loved Esau because he had a taste for fresh game, 44  but Rebekah loved 45  Jacob.

25:29 Now Jacob cooked some stew, 46  and when Esau came in from the open fields, he was famished. 25:30 So Esau said to Jacob, “Feed 47  me some of the red stuff – yes, this red stuff – because I’m starving!” (That is why he was also called 48  Edom.) 49 

25:31 But Jacob replied, “First 50  sell me your birthright.” 25:32 “Look,” said Esau, “I’m about to die! What use is the birthright to me?” 51  25:33 But Jacob said, “Swear an oath to me now.” 52  So Esau 53  swore an oath to him and sold his birthright 54  to Jacob.

25:34 Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and lentil stew; Esau ate and drank, then got up and went out. 55  So Esau despised his birthright. 56 

Genesis 5:23

5:23 The entire lifetime of Enoch was 365 years.

Genesis 7:1

7:1 The Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, for I consider you godly among this generation. 57 

Genesis 11:1-2

The Dispersion of the Nations at Babel

11:1 The whole earth 58  had a common language and a common vocabulary. 59  11:2 When the people 60  moved eastward, 61  they found a plain in Shinar 62  and settled there.

Genesis 19:22-23

19:22 Run there quickly, 63  for I cannot do anything until you arrive there.” (This incident explains why the town was called Zoar.) 64 

19:23 The sun had just risen 65  over the land as Lot reached Zoar. 66 

Genesis 19:2

19:2 He said, “Here, my lords, please turn aside to your servant’s house. Stay the night 67  and wash your feet. Then you can be on your way early in the morning.” 68  “No,” they replied, “we’ll spend the night in the town square.” 69 

Genesis 32:15-22

32:15 thirty female camels with their young, forty cows and ten bulls, and twenty female donkeys and ten male donkeys. 32:16 He entrusted them to 70  his servants, who divided them into herds. 71  He told his servants, “Pass over before me, and keep some distance between one herd and the next.” 32:17 He instructed the servant leading the first herd, 72  “When my brother Esau meets you and asks, ‘To whom do you belong? 73  Where are you going? Whose herds are you driving?’ 74  32:18 then you must say, 75  ‘They belong 76  to your servant Jacob. 77  They have been sent as a gift to my lord Esau. 78  In fact Jacob himself is behind us.’” 79 

32:19 He also gave these instructions to the second and third servants, as well as all those who were following the herds, saying, “You must say the same thing to Esau when you meet him. 80  32:20 You must also say, ‘In fact your servant Jacob is behind us.’” 81  Jacob thought, 82  “I will first appease him 83  by sending a gift ahead of me. 84  After that I will meet him. 85  Perhaps he will accept me.” 86  32:21 So the gifts were sent on ahead of him 87  while he spent that night in the camp. 88 

32:22 During the night Jacob quickly took 89  his two wives, his two female servants, and his eleven sons 90  and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. 91 

Isaiah 37:23

37:23 Whom have you taunted and hurled insults at?

At whom have you shouted

and looked so arrogantly? 92 

At the Holy One of Israel! 93 

Isaiah 37:29

37:29 Because you rage against me

and the uproar you create has reached my ears, 94 

I will put my hook in your nose, 95 

and my bridle between your lips,

and I will lead you back

the way you came.”

Jeremiah 48:26

48:26 “Moab has vaunted itself against me.

So make him drunk with the wine of my wrath 96 

until he splashes 97  around in his own vomit,

until others treat him as a laughingstock.

Jeremiah 48:42

48:42 Moab will be destroyed and no longer be a nation, 98 

because she has vaunted herself against the Lord.

Jeremiah 48:2

48:2 People will not praise Moab any more.

The enemy will capture Heshbon 99  and plot 100  how to destroy Moab, 101 

saying, ‘Come, let’s put an end to that nation!’

City of Madmen, you will also be destroyed. 102 

A destructive army will march against you. 103 

Jeremiah 2:4

The Lord Reminds Them of the Unfaithfulness of Their Ancestors

2:4 Now listen to what the Lord has to say, you descendants 104  of Jacob,

all you family groups from the nation 105  of Israel.

Revelation 13:5-7

13:5 The beast 106  was given a mouth speaking proud words 107  and blasphemies, and he was permitted 108  to exercise ruling authority 109  for forty-two months. 13:6 So 110  the beast 111  opened his mouth to blaspheme against God – to blaspheme both his name and his dwelling place, 112  that is, those who dwell in heaven. 13:7 The beast 113  was permitted to go to war against the saints and conquer them. 114  He was given ruling authority 115  over every tribe, people, 116  language, and nation,

tn Or “took.”

tn Heb “And Abraham added and took.”

sn The names Sheba and Dedan appear in Gen 10:7 as descendants of Ham through Cush and Raamah. Since these two names are usually interpreted to be place names, one plausible suggestion is that some of Abraham’s descendants lived in those regions and took names linked with it.

tn Or “sons.”

tn Heb “the sons of the concubines who [belonged] to Abraham.”

tn Heb “And he sent them away from upon Isaac his son, while he was still living, eastward to the land of the east.”

tn Heb “and these are the days of the years of the lifetime of Abraham that he lived.” The normal genealogical formula is expanded here due to the importance of the life of Abraham.

tn Heb “old and full.”

tn Heb “And he was gathered to his people.” In the ancient Israelite view he joined his deceased ancestors in Sheol, the land of the dead.

10 sn The cave of Machpelah was the place Abraham had purchased as a burial place for his wife Sarah (Gen 23:17-18).

11 tn See the note on the phrase “sons of Heth” in Gen 23:3.

12 sn God blessed Isaac. The Hebrew verb “bless” in this passage must include all the gifts that God granted to Isaac. But fertility was not one of them, at least not for twenty years, because Rebekah was barren as well (see v. 21).

13 sn Beer Lahai Roi. See the note on this place name in Gen 24:62.

14 sn This is the account of Ishmael. The Book of Genesis tends to tidy up the family records at every turning point. Here, before proceeding with the story of Isaac’s family, the narrative traces Ishmael’s family line. Later, before discussing Jacob’s family, the narrative traces Esau’s family line (see Gen 36).

15 tn The meaning of this line is not easily understood. The sons of Ishmael are listed here “by their names” and “according to their descendants.”

16 tn Or “tribal chieftains.”

17 tn Heb “And these are the days of the years of Ishmael.”

18 tn Heb “And he was gathered to his people.” In the ancient Israelite view he joined his deceased ancestors in Sheol, the land of the dead.

19 tn Heb “they”; the referent (Ishmael’s descendants) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

20 tn Heb “which is by the face of,” or near the border. The territory ran along the border of Egypt.

21 tn Heb “as you go.”

22 sn The name Asshur refers here to a tribal area in the Sinai.

23 tn Heb “he fell.”

24 tn Heb “upon the face of all his brothers.” This last expression, obviously alluding to the earlier oracle about Ishmael (Gen 16:12), could mean that the descendants of Ishmael lived in hostility to others or that they lived in a territory that was opposite the lands of their relatives. While there is some ambiguity about the meaning, the line probably does give a hint of the Ishmaelite-Israelite conflicts to come.

25 sn This is the account of Isaac. What follows for several chapters is not the account of Isaac, except briefly, but the account of Jacob and Esau. The next chapters tell what became of Isaac and his family.

26 tn Heb “And Isaac was the son of forty years when he took Rebekah.”

27 sn Some valuable information is provided here. We learn here that Isaac married thirty-five years before Abraham died, that Rebekah was barren for twenty years, and that Abraham would have lived to see Jacob and Esau begin to grow up. The death of Abraham was recorded in the first part of the chapter as a “tidying up” of one generation before beginning the account of the next.

28 tn The Hebrew verb עָתַר (’atar), translated “prayed [to]” here, appears in the story of God’s judgment on Egypt in which Moses asked the Lord to remove the plagues. The cognate word in Arabic means “to slaughter for sacrifice,” and the word is used in Zeph 3:10 to describe worshipers who bring offerings. Perhaps some ritual accompanied Isaac’s prayer here.

29 tn The Hebrew word used here suggests a violent struggle that was out of the ordinary.

30 tn Heb “If [it is] so, why [am] I this [way]?” Rebekah wanted to know what was happening to her, but the question itself reflects a growing despair over the struggle of the unborn children.

31 sn Asked the Lord. In other passages (e.g., 1 Sam 9:9) this expression refers to inquiring of a prophet, but no details are provided here.

32 sn By metonymy the two children in her womb are described as two nations of which the two children, Jacob and Esau, would become the fathers. The language suggests there would be a struggle between these nations, with one being stronger than the other. The oracle reveals that all of Jacob’s scheming was unnecessary in the final analysis. He would have become the dominant nation without using deception to steal his brother’s blessing.

33 tn Heb “And her days were filled to give birth.”

34 tn Heb “look!” By the use of the particle הִנֵּה (hinneh, “look”), the narrator invites the audience to view the scene as if they were actually present at the birth.

35 sn Reddish. The Hebrew word translated “reddish” is אַדְמוֹנִי (’admoni), which forms a wordplay on the Edomites, Esau’s descendants. The writer sees in Esau’s appearance at birth a sign of what was to come. After all, the reader has already been made aware of the “nations” that were being born.

36 tn Heb “all of him.”

37 sn Hairy. Here is another wordplay involving the descendants of Esau. The Hebrew word translated “hairy” is שֵׂעָר (sear); the Edomites will later live in Mount Seir, perhaps named for its wooded nature.

38 tn Heb “And they called his name Esau.” The name “Esau” (עֵשָׂו, ’esav) is not etymologically related to שֵׂעָר (sear), but it draws on some of the sounds.

39 tn The disjunctive clause describes an important circumstance accompanying the birth. Whereas Esau was passive at birth, Jacob was active.

40 tn Heb “And he called his name Jacob.” Some ancient witnesses read “they called his name Jacob” (see v. 25). In either case the subject is indefinite.

41 tn Heb “the son of sixty years.”

42 tn Heb “knowing.”

43 tn The disjunctive clause juxtaposes Jacob with Esau and draws attention to the striking contrasts. In contrast to Esau, a man of the field, Jacob was civilized, as the phrase “living in tents” signifies. Whereas Esau was a skillful hunter, Jacob was calm and even-tempered (תָּם, tam), which normally has the idea of “blameless.”

44 tn Heb “the taste of game was in his mouth.” The word for “game,” “venison” is here the same Hebrew word as “hunter” in the last verse. Here it is a metonymy, referring to that which the hunter kills.

45 tn The disjunctive clause juxtaposes Rebekah with Jacob and draws attention to the contrast. The verb here is a participle, drawing attention to Rebekah’s continuing, enduring love for her son.

46 sn Jacob cooked some stew. There are some significant words and wordplays in this story that help clarify the points of the story. The verb “cook” is זִיד (zid), which sounds like the word for “hunter” (צַיִד, tsayid). This is deliberate, for the hunter becomes the hunted in this story. The word זִיד means “to cook, to boil,” but by the sound play with צַיִד it comes to mean “set a trap by cooking.” The usage of the word shows that it can also have the connotation of acting presumptuously (as in boiling over). This too may be a comment on the scene. For further discussion of the rhetorical devices in the Jacob narratives, see J. P. Fokkelman, Narrative Art in Genesis (SSN).

47 tn The rare term לָעַט (laat), translated “feed,” is used in later Hebrew for feeding animals (see Jastrow, 714). If this nuance was attached to the word in the biblical period, then it may depict Esau in a negative light, comparing him to a hungry animal. Famished Esau comes in from the hunt, only to enter the trap. He can only point at the red stew and ask Jacob to feed him.

48 tn The verb has no expressed subject and so is given a passive translation.

49 sn Esau’s descendants would eventually be called Edom. Edom was the place where they lived, so-named probably because of the reddish nature of the hills. The writer can use the word “red” to describe the stew that Esau gasped for to convey the nature of Esau and his descendants. They were a lusty, passionate, and profane people who lived for the moment. Again, the wordplay is meant to capture the “omen in the nomen.”

50 tn Heb “today.”

51 tn Heb “And what is this to me, a birthright?”

52 tn Heb “Swear to me today.”

53 tn Heb “and he”; the referent (Esau) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

54 sn And sold his birthright. There is evidence from Hurrian culture that rights of inheritance were occasionally sold or transferred. Here Esau is portrayed as a profane person who would at the moment rather have a meal than the right to inherit. He will soon forget this trade and seek his father’s blessing in spite of it.

55 sn The style here is typical of Hebrew narrative; after the tension is resolved with the dialogue, the working out of it is recorded in a rapid sequence of verbs (“gave”; “ate”; “drank”; “got up”; “went out”). See also Gen 3:1-7 for another example.

56 sn So Esau despised his birthright. This clause, which concludes the episode, is a summary statement which reveals the underlying significance of Esau’s actions. “To despise” means to treat something as worthless or with contempt. Esau’s willingness to sell his birthright was evidence that he considered it to be unimportant.

57 tn Heb “for you I see [as] godly before me in this generation.” The direct object (“you”) is placed first in the clause to give it prominence. The verb “to see” here signifies God’s evaluative discernment.

58 sn The whole earth. Here “earth” is a metonymy of subject, referring to the people who lived in the earth. Genesis 11 begins with everyone speaking a common language, but chap. 10 has the nations arranged by languages. It is part of the narrative art of Genesis to give the explanation of the event after the narration of the event. On this passage see A. P. Ross, “The Dispersion of the Nations in Genesis 11:1-9,” BSac 138 (1981): 119-38.

59 tn Heb “one lip and one [set of] words.” The term “lip” is a metonymy of cause, putting the instrument for the intended effect. They had one language. The term “words” refers to the content of their speech. They had the same vocabulary.

60 tn Heb “they”; the referent (the people) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

61 tn Or perhaps “from the east” (NRSV) or “in the east.”

62 tn Heb “in the land of Shinar.”

63 tn Heb “Be quick! Escape to there!” The two imperatives form a verbal hendiadys, the first becoming adverbial.

64 tn Heb “Therefore the name of the city is called Zoar.” The name of the place, צוֹעַר (tsoar) apparently means “Little Place,” in light of the wordplay with the term “little” (מִצְעָר, mitsar) used twice by Lot to describe the town (v. 20).

65 sn The sun had just risen. There was very little time for Lot to escape between dawn (v. 15) and sunrise (here).

66 tn The juxtaposition of the two disjunctive clauses indicates synchronic action. The first action (the sun’s rising) occurred as the second (Lot’s entering Zoar) took place. The disjunctive clauses also signal closure for the preceding scene.

67 tn The imperatives have the force of invitation.

68 tn These two verbs form a verbal hendiadys: “you can rise up early and go” means “you can go early.”

69 sn The town square refers to the wide street area at the gate complex of the city.

70 tn Heb “and he put them in the hand of.”

71 tn Heb “a herd, a herd, by itself,” or “each herd by itself.” The distributive sense is expressed by repetition.

72 tn Heb “the first”; this has been specified as “the servant leading the first herd” in the translation for clarity.

73 tn Heb “to whom are you?”

74 tn Heb “and to whom are these before you?”

75 tn The form is the perfect tense with the vav (ו) consecutive; it has the nuance of an imperfect of instruction.

76 tn The words “they belong” have been supplied in the translation for stylistic reasons.

77 tn Heb “to your servant, to Jacob.”

78 tn Heb “to my lord, to Esau.”

79 tn Heb “and look, also he [is] behind us.” The referent of the pronoun “he” (Jacob) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

80 tn Heb “And he commanded also the second, also the third, also all the ones going after the herds, saying: ‘According to this word you will speak when you find him.’”

81 tn Heb “and look, your servant Jacob [is] behind us.”

82 tn Heb “for he said.” The referent (Jacob) has been specified in the translation for clarity. The Hebrew word מַקֵל (maqel), traditionally represents Jacob’s thought or reasoning, and is therefore translated “thought.”

83 tn Heb “I will appease his face.” The cohortative here expresses Jacob’s resolve. In the Book of Leviticus the Hebrew verb translated “appease” has the idea of removing anger due to sin or guilt, a nuance that fits this passage very well. Jacob wanted to buy Esau off with a gift of more than five hundred and fifty animals.

84 tn Heb “with a gift going before me.”

85 tn Heb “I will see his face.”

86 tn Heb “Perhaps he will lift up my face.” In this context the idiom refers to acceptance.

87 tn Heb “and the gift passed over upon his face.”

88 tn The disjunctive clause is circumstantial/temporal.

89 tn Heb “and he arose in that night and he took.” The first verb is adverbial, indicating that he carried out the crossing right away.

90 tn The Hebrew term used here is יֶלֶד (yeled) which typically describes male offspring. Some translations render the term “children” but this is a problem because by this time Jacob had twelve children in all, including one daughter, Dinah, born to Leah (Gen 30:21). Benjamin, his twelfth son and thirteenth child, was not born until later (Gen 35:16-19).

91 sn Hebrew narrative style often includes a summary statement of the whole passage followed by a more detailed report of the event. Here v. 22 is the summary statement, while v. 23 begins the detailed account.

92 tn Heb “and lifted your eyes on high?” Cf. NIV “lifted your eyes in pride”; NRSV “haughtily lifted your eyes.”

93 sn See the note on the phrase “the Holy One of Israel” in 1:4.

94 tc Heb “and your complacency comes up into my ears.” The parallelism is improved if שַׁאֲנַנְךָ (shaanankha, “your complacency”) is emended to שְׁאוֹנְךָ (shÿonÿkha, “your uproar”). See M. Cogan and H. Tadmor, II Kings (AB), 237-38. However, the LXX seems to support the MT and Sennacherib’s cavalier dismissal of Yahweh depicts an arrogant complacency (J. N. Oswalt, Isaiah [NICOT], 1:658, n. 10).

95 sn The word-picture has a parallel in Assyrian sculpture. See M. Cogan and H. Tadmor, II Kings (AB), 238.

96 tn Heb “Make him drunk because he has magnified himself against the Lord.” The first person has again been adopted for consistency within a speech of the Lord. Almost all of the commentaries relate the figure of drunkenness to the figure of drinking the cup of God’s wrath spelled out in Jer 25 where reference is made at one point to the nations drinking, staggering, vomiting, and falling (25:27 and see G. L. Keown, P. J. Scalise, T. G. Smothers, Jeremiah 26-52 [WBC], 316, for a full list of references to this figure including this passage and 49:12-13; 51:6-10, 39, 57).

97 tn The meaning of this word is uncertain. It is usually used of clapping the hands or the thigh in helpless anger or disgust. Hence J. Bright (Jeremiah [AB], 321) paraphrases “shall vomit helplessly.” HALOT 722 s.v. II סָפַק relates this to an Aramaic word and see a homonym meaning “vomit” or “spew out.” The translation is that of BDB 706 s.v. סָפַק Qal.3, “splash (fall with a splash),” from the same root that refers to slapping or clapping the thigh.

98 tn Heb “Moab will be destroyed from [being] a people.”

99 sn Heshbon was originally a Moabite city but was captured by Sihon king of Og and made his capital (Num 21:26-30). It was captured from Sihon and originally assigned to the tribe of Reuben (Num 32:37; Josh 13:17). Later it was made a Levitical city and was assigned to the tribe of Gad (Josh 21:39). It formed the northern limits of Moab. It was located about eighteen miles east of the northern tip of the Dead Sea.

100 sn There is a wordplay in Hebrew on the word “Heshbon” and the word “plot” (חָשְׁבוּ, khoshvu).

101 tn Heb “In Heshbon they plot evil against her [i.e., Moab].” The “they” is undefined, but it would scarcely be Moabites living in Heshbon. Hence TEV and CEV are probably correct in seeing a reference to the enemy which would imply the conquest of this city which lay on the northern border of Moab.

102 tn The meaning of this line is somewhat uncertain. The translation here follows all the modern English versions and commentaries in reading the place name “Madmen” even though the place is otherwise unknown and the Greek, Syriac, and Latin version all read this word as an emphasizing infinitive absolute of the following verb “will be destroyed,” i.e. דָּמוֹם יִדֹּמּוּ (damom yiddommu). Some see this word as a variant of the name Dimon in Isa 15:9 which in turn is a playful variant of the place name Dibon. There is once again a wordplay on the word “Madmen” and “will be destroyed”: מַדְמֵן (madmen) and יִדֹּמּוּ (yiddommu). For the meaning of the verb = “perish” or “be destroyed” see Jer 8:14; Ps 31:18.

103 tn Heb “A sword will follow after you.” The sword is again figurative of destructive forces, here the army of the Babylonians.

104 tn Heb “house.”

105 tn Heb “house.”

106 tn Grk “and there was given to him.” Here the passive construction has been simplified, the referent (the beast) has been specified for clarity, and καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

107 tn For the translation “proud words” (Grk “great things” or “important things”) see BDAG 624 s.v. μέγας 4.b.

108 tn Grk “to it was granted.”

109 tn For the translation “ruling authority” for ἐξουσία (exousia) see L&N 37.35.

110 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the implied result of the permission granted to the beast.

111 tn Grk “he” (or “it”); the referent (the beast) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

112 tc The reading “and his dwelling place” does not occur in codex C, but its omission is probably due to scribal oversight since the phrase has the same ending as the phrase before it, i.e., they both end in “his” (αὐτοῦ, autou). This is similar to the mistake this scribe made in 12:14 with the omission of the reading “and half a time” (καὶ ἥμισυ καιροῦ, kai {hmisu kairou).

113 tn Grk “and it was given to him to go to war.” Here the passive construction has been simplified, the referent (the beast) has been specified for clarity, and καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

114 tc Many mss omit the phrase “it was given to make war with the saints and to overcome them” (Ì47 A C 2053 ÏA sa). It is, however, found in Ì115vid א 051 1006 (1611) 1841 (1854) 2329 2344 2351 (ÏK) lat syph,(h) bo. Although the ms evidence is somewhat in favor of the shorter reading, the support of Ì115 (a recently-discovered ms) for the longer reading balances things out. Normally, the shorter reading should be given preference. However, in an instance in which homoioteleuton could play a role, caution must be exercised. In this passage, accidental omission is quite likely. That this could have happened seems apparent from the two occurrences of the identical phrase “and it was given to him” (καὶ ἐδόθη αὐτῷ, kai edoqh autw) in v. 7. The scribe’s eye skipped over the first καὶ ἐδόθη αὐτῷ and went to the second, hence creating an accidental omission of eleven words.

115 tn For the translation “ruling authority” for ἐξουσία (exousia) see L&N 37.35.

116 tn Grk “and people,” but καί (kai) has not been translated here or before the following term since English normally uses a coordinating conjunction only between the last two elements in a series of three or more.