19:4 Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem. 8 He went out among the people from Beer Sheba to the hill country of Ephraim and encouraged them to follow 9 the Lord God of their ancestors. 10
1 tn Or “seer.”
2 tn Heb “went out to his face.”
3 tn Heb “and love those who hate the
4 tn Heb “and because of this upon you is anger from before the
5 tn Heb “nevertheless good things are found with you.”
6 tn Here בָּעַר (ba’ar) is not the well attested verb “burn,” but the less common homonym meaning “devastate, sweep away, remove.” See HALOT 146 s.v. II בער.
7 tn Heb “and you set your heart to seek the
9 map For location see Map5-B1; Map6-F3; Map7-E2; Map8-F2; Map10-B3; JP1-F4; JP2-F4; JP3-F4; JP4-F4.
10 tn Heb “and turned them back to.”
11 tn Heb “fathers.”