31:2 Hezekiah appointed the divisions of the priests and Levites to do their assigned tasks 1 – to offer burnt sacrifices and present offerings and to serve, give thanks, and offer praise in the gates of the Lord’s sanctuary. 2
31:3 The king contributed 3 some of what he owned for burnt sacrifices, including the morning and evening burnt sacrifices and the burnt sacrifices made on Sabbaths, new moon festivals, and at other appointed times prescribed 4 in the law of the Lord. 31:4 He ordered 5 the people living in Jerusalem 6 to contribute the portion prescribed for the priests and Levites so they might be obedient 7 to the law of the Lord. 31:5 When the edict was issued, 8 the Israelites freely contributed 9 the initial portion of their grain, wine, olive oil, honey, and all the produce of their fields. They brought a tenth of everything, which added up to a huge amount. 31:6 The Israelites and people of Judah 10 who lived in the cities of Judah also contributed a tenth of their cattle and sheep, as well as a tenth of the holy items consecrated to the Lord their God. They brought them and placed them in many heaps. 11 31:7 In the third month they began piling their contributions in heaps 12 and finished in the seventh month. 31:8 When Hezekiah and the officials came and saw the heaps, they praised the Lord and pronounced blessings on his people Israel. 13
31:9 When Hezekiah asked the priests and Levites about the heaps, 31:10 Azariah, the head priest from the family of Zadok, said to him, “Since the contributions began arriving in the Lord’s temple, we have had plenty to eat and have a large quantity left over. For the Lord has blessed his people, and this large amount remains.” 31:11 Hezekiah ordered that storerooms be prepared in the Lord’s temple. When this was done, 14 31:12 they brought in the contributions, tithes, 15 and consecrated items that had been offered. 16 Konaniah, a Levite, was in charge of all this, assisted by his brother Shimei. 31:13 Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismakiah, Mahath, and Benaiah worked under the supervision of Konaniah and his brother Shimei, as directed by King Hezekiah and Azariah, the supervisor of God’s temple.
31:14 Kore son of Imnah, a Levite and the guard on the east side, was in charge of the voluntary offerings made to God and disbursed the contributions made to the Lord and the consecrated items. 31:15 In the cities of the priests, Eden, Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shecaniah faithfully assisted him in making disbursements to their fellow priests 17 according to their divisions, regardless of age. 18 31:16 They made disbursements to all the males three years old and up who were listed in the genealogical records – to all who would enter the Lord’s temple to serve on a daily basis and fulfill their duties as assigned to their divisions. 19 31:17 They made disbursements to the priests listed in the genealogical records by their families, and to the Levites twenty years old and up, according to their duties as assigned to their divisions, 31:18 and to all the infants, wives, sons, and daughters of the entire assembly listed in the genealogical records, for they faithfully consecrated themselves. 31:19 As for the descendants of Aaron, the priests who lived in the outskirts of all their cities, 20 men were assigned 21 to disburse portions to every male among the priests and to every Levite listed in the genealogical records.
1 tn Heb “and Hezekiah appointed the divisions of the priests and the Levites according to their divisions, each in accordance with his service for the priests and for the Levites.”
2 tn Heb “in the gates of the encampments of the
3 tn Heb “the portion of the king [was].”
4 tn Heb “as written.”
5 tn Heb “said to.”
6 map For location see Map5-B1; Map6-F3; Map7-E2; Map8-F2; Map10-B3; JP1-F4; JP2-F4; JP3-F4; JP4-F4.
7 tn Heb “might hold firmly.”
7 tn Heb “and when the word spread out.”
8 tn Heb “the sons of Israel multiplied.”
9 tn Heb “and the sons of Israel and Judah.”
10 tn Heb “heaps, heaps.” Repetition of the noun draws attention to the large number of heaps.
11 tn Heb “they began the heaps, to establish.”
13 tn Heb “they blessed the
15 tn Heb “and they prepared.”
17 tn Heb “tenth.”
18 tn Heb “and holy things in faithfulness.”
19 tn Heb “to their brothers.”
20 tn Heb “like great, like small” (i.e., old and young alike).
21 tn Heb “in addition enrolling them by males from a son of three years and upwards, to everyone who enters the house of the
23 tn Heb “the priests in the fields of the pastureland of their cities in every city and city.”
24 tn Heb “designated by names.”