Genesis 39:1-23

Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife

39:1 Now Joseph had been brought down to Egypt. An Egyptian named Potiphar, an official of Pharaoh and the captain of the guard, purchased him from the Ishmaelites who had brought him there. 39:2 The Lord was with Joseph. He was successful and lived in the household of his Egyptian master. 39:3 His master observed that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made everything he was doing successful. 39:4 So Joseph found favor in his sight and became his personal attendant. Potiphar appointed Joseph overseer of his household and put him in charge of everything he owned. 39:5 From the time 10  Potiphar 11  appointed him over his household and over all that he owned, the Lord blessed 12  the Egyptian’s household for Joseph’s sake. The blessing of the Lord was on everything that he had, both 13  in his house and in his fields. 14  39:6 So Potiphar 15  left 16  everything he had in Joseph’s care; 17  he gave no thought 18  to anything except the food he ate. 19 

Now Joseph was well built and good-looking. 20  39:7 Soon after these things, his master’s wife took notice of 21  Joseph and said, “Have sex with me.” 22  39:8 But he refused, saying 23  to his master’s wife, “Look, my master does not give any thought 24  to his household with me here, 25  and everything that he owns he has put into my care. 26  39:9 There is no one greater in this household than I am. He has withheld nothing from me except you because you are his wife. So how could I do 27  such a great evil and sin against God?” 39:10 Even though she continued to speak 28  to Joseph day after day, he did not respond 29  to her invitation to have sex with her. 30 

39:11 One day 31  he went into the house to do his work when none of the household servants 32  were there in the house. 39:12 She grabbed him by his outer garment, saying, “Have sex with me!” But he left his outer garment in her hand and ran 33  outside. 34  39:13 When she saw that he had left his outer garment in her hand and had run outside, 39:14 she called for her household servants and said to them, “See, my husband brought 35  in a Hebrew man 36  to us to humiliate us. 37  He tried to have sex with me, 38  but I screamed loudly. 39  39:15 When he heard me raise 40  my voice and scream, he left his outer garment beside me and ran outside.”

39:16 So she laid his outer garment beside her until his master came home. 39:17 This is what she said to him: 41  “That Hebrew slave 42  you brought to us tried to humiliate me, 43  39:18 but when I raised my voice and screamed, he left his outer garment and ran outside.”

39:19 When his master heard his wife say, 44  “This is the way 45  your slave treated me,” 46  he became furious. 47  39:20 Joseph’s master took him and threw him into the prison, 48  the place where the king’s prisoners were confined. So he was there in the prison. 49 

39:21 But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him kindness. 50  He granted him favor in the sight of the prison warden. 51  39:22 The warden put all the prisoners under Joseph’s care. He was in charge of whatever they were doing. 52  39:23 The warden did not concern himself 53  with anything that was in Joseph’s 54  care because the Lord was with him and whatever he was doing the Lord was making successful.

Genesis 9:19

9:19 These were the sons of Noah, and from them the whole earth was populated. 55 

Genesis 24:19

24:19 When she had done so, 56  she said, “I’ll draw water for your camels too, until they have drunk as much as they want.”

John 1:21

1:21 So they asked him, “Then who are you? 57  Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not!” 58  “Are you the Prophet?” 59  He answered, “No!”

John 1:25

1:25 So they asked John, 60  “Why then are you baptizing if you are not the Christ, 61  nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?”

John 4:19

4:19 The woman said to him, “Sir, I see 62  that you are a prophet.

John 6:14

6:14 Now when the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus 63  performed, they began to say to one another, “This is certainly the Prophet 64  who is to come into the world.” 65 

John 7:40-41

Differing Opinions About Jesus

7:40 When they heard these words, some of the crowd 66  began to say, “This really 67  is the Prophet!” 68  7:41 Others said, “This is the Christ!” 69  But still others said, “No, 70  for the Christ doesn’t come from Galilee, does he? 71 

John 9:17

9:17 So again they asked the man who used to be blind, 72  “What do you say about him, since he caused you to see?” 73  “He is a prophet,” the man replied. 74 

Acts 3:22-23

3:22 Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers. You must obey 75  him in everything he tells you. 76  3:23 Every person 77  who does not obey that prophet will be destroyed and thus removed 78  from the people.’ 79 

Acts 7:37

7:37 This is the Moses who said to the Israelites, 80 God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers.’ 81 

tn The disjunctive clause resumes the earlier narrative pertaining to Joseph by recapitulating the event described in 37:36. The perfect verbal form is given a past perfect translation to restore the sequence of the narrative for the reader.

sn Captain of the guard. See the note on this phrase in Gen 37:36.

tn Heb “from the hand of.”

tn Heb “and he was a prosperous man.” This does not mean that Joseph became wealthy, but that he was successful in what he was doing, or making progress in his situation (see 24:21).

tn Heb “and he was.”

tn The Hebrew text adds “in his hand,” a phrase not included in the translation for stylistic reasons.

sn The Hebrew verb translated became his personal attendant refers to higher domestic service, usually along the lines of a personal attendant. Here Joseph is made the household steward, a position well-attested in Egyptian literature.

tn Heb “him”; the referent (Joseph) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

tn Heb “put into his hand.”

10 tn Heb “and it was from then.”

11 tn Heb “he”; the referent (Potiphar) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

12 sn The Hebrew word translated blessed carries the idea of enrichment, prosperity, success. It is the way believers describe success at the hand of God. The text illustrates the promise made to Abraham that whoever blesses his descendants will be blessed (Gen 12:1-3).

13 tn Heb “in the house and in the field.” The word “both” has been supplied in the translation for stylistic reasons.

14 sn The passage gives us a good picture of Joseph as a young man who was responsible and faithful, both to his master and to his God. This happened within a very short time of his being sold into Egypt. It undermines the view that Joseph was a liar, a tattletale, and an arrogant adolescent.

15 tn Heb “he”; the referent (Potiphar) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

16 sn The Hebrew verb translated left indicates he relinquished the care of it to Joseph. This is stronger than what was said earlier. Apparently Potiphar had come to trust Joseph so much that he knew it was in better care with Joseph than with anyone else.

17 tn Heb “hand.” This is a metonymy for being under the control or care of Joseph.

18 tn Heb “did not know.”

19 sn The expression except the food he ate probably refers to Potiphar’s private affairs and should not be limited literally to what he ate.

20 tn Heb “handsome of form and handsome of appearance.” The same Hebrew expressions were used in Gen 29:17 for Rachel.

21 tn Heb “she lifted up her eyes toward,” an expression that emphasizes her deliberate and careful scrutiny of him.

22 tn Heb “lie with me.” Here the expression “lie with” is a euphemism for sexual intercourse.

23 tn Heb “and he said.”

24 tn Heb “know.”

25 tn The word “here” has been supplied in the translation for stylistic reasons.

26 tn Heb “hand.” This is a metonymy for being under the control or care of Joseph.

27 tn The nuance of potential imperfect fits this context.

28 tn The verse begins with the temporal indicator, followed by the infinitive construct with the preposition כְּ (kÿ). This clause could therefore be taken as temporal.

29 tn Heb “listen to.”

30 tn Heb “to lie beside her to be with her.” Here the expression “to lie beside” is a euphemism for sexual intercourse.

31 tn Heb “and it was about this day.”

32 tn Heb “the men of the house.”

33 tn Heb “he fled and he went out.” The construction emphasizes the point that Joseph got out of there quickly.

34 sn For discussion of this episode, see A. M. Honeyman, “The Occasion of Joseph’s Temptation,” VT 2 (1952): 85-87.

35 tn The verb has no expressed subject, and so it could be treated as a passive (“a Hebrew man was brought in”; cf. NIV). But it is clear from the context that her husband brought Joseph into the household, so Potiphar is the apparent referent here. Thus the translation supplies “my husband” as the referent of the unspecified pronominal subject of the verb (cf. NEB, NRSV).

36 sn A Hebrew man. Potiphar’s wife raises the ethnic issue when talking to her servants about what their boss had done.

37 tn Heb “to make fun of us.” The verb translated “to humiliate us” here means to hold something up for ridicule, or to toy with something harmfully. Attempted rape would be such an activity, for it would hold the victim in contempt.

38 tn Heb “he came to me to lie with me.” Here the expression “lie with” is a euphemism for sexual intercourse.

39 tn Heb “and I cried out with a loud voice.”

40 tn Heb “that I raised.”

41 tn Heb “and she spoke to him according to these words, saying.”

42 sn That Hebrew slave. Now, when speaking to her husband, Potiphar’s wife refers to Joseph as a Hebrew slave, a very demeaning description.

43 tn Heb “came to me to make fun of me.” The statement needs no explanation because of the connotations of “came to me” and “to make fun of me.” See the note on the expression “humiliate us” in v. 14.

44 tn Heb “and when his master heard the words of his wife which she spoke to him, saying.”

45 tn Heb “according to these words.”

46 tn Heb “did to me.”

47 tn Heb “his anger burned.”

48 tn Heb “the house of roundness,” suggesting that the prison might have been a fortress or citadel.

49 sn The story of Joseph is filled with cycles and repetition: He has two dreams (chap. 37), he interprets two dreams in prison (chap. 40) and the two dreams of Pharaoh (chap. 41), his brothers make two trips to see him (chaps. 42-43), and here, for the second time (see 37:24), he is imprisoned for no good reason, with only his coat being used as evidence. For further discussion see H. Jacobsen, “A Legal Note on Potiphar’s Wife,” HTR 69 (1976): 177.

50 tn Heb “and he extended to him loyal love.”

51 tn Or “the chief jailer” (also in the following verses).

52 tn Heb “all which they were doing there, he was doing.” This probably means that Joseph was in charge of everything that went on in the prison.

53 tn Heb “was not looking at anything.”

54 tn Heb “his”; the referent (Joseph) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

55 tn Heb “was scattered.” The verb פָּצָה (patsah, “to scatter” [Niphal, “to be scattered”]) figures prominently in story of the dispersion of humankind in chap. 11.

56 tn Heb “when she had finished giving him a drink.” This has been simplified in the translation for stylistic reasons.

57 tn Grk “What then?” (an idiom).

58 sn According to the 1st century rabbinic interpretation of 2 Kgs 2:11, Elijah was still alive. In Mal 4:5 it is said that Elijah would be the precursor of Messiah. How does one reconcile John the Baptist’s denial here (“I am not”) with Jesus’ statements in Matt 11:14 (see also Mark 9:13 and Matt 17:12) that John the Baptist was Elijah? Some have attempted to remove the difficulty by a reconstruction of the text in the Gospel of John which makes the Baptist say that he was Elijah. However, external support for such emendations is lacking. According to Gregory the Great, John was not Elijah, but exercised toward Jesus the function of Elijah by preparing his way. But this avoids the real difficulty, since in John’s Gospel the question of the Jewish authorities to the Baptist concerns precisely his function. It has also been suggested that the author of the Gospel here preserves a historically correct reminiscence – that John the Baptist did not think of himself as Elijah, although Jesus said otherwise. Mark 6:14-16 and Mark 8:28 indicate the people and Herod both distinguished between John and Elijah – probably because he did not see himself as Elijah. But Jesus’ remarks in Matt 11:14, Mark 9:13, and Matt 17:12 indicate that John did perform the function of Elijah – John did for Jesus what Elijah was to have done for the coming of the Lord. C. F. D. Moule pointed out that it is too simple to see a straight contradiction between John’s account and that of the synoptic gospels: “We have to ask by whom the identification is made, and by whom refused. The synoptic gospels represent Jesus as identifying, or comparing, the Baptist with Elijah, while John represents the Baptist as rejecting the identification when it is offered him by his interviewers. Now these two, so far from being incompatible, are psychologically complementary. The Baptist humbly rejects the exalted title, but Jesus, on the contrary, bestows it on him. Why should not the two both be correct?” (The Phenomenon of the New Testament [SBT], 70).

59 sn The Prophet is a reference to the “prophet like Moses” of Deut 18:15, by this time an eschatological figure in popular belief. Acts 3:22 identifies Jesus as this prophet.

60 tn Grk “And they asked him, and said to him”; the referent (John) has been specified in the translation for clarity, and the phrase has been simplified in the translation to “So they asked John.”

61 tn Or “the Messiah” (Both Greek “Christ” and Hebrew and Aramaic “Messiah” mean “one who has been anointed”).

62 tn Grk “behold” or “perceive,” but these are not as common in contemporary English usage.

63 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

64 sn The Prophet is a reference to the “prophet like Moses” of Deut 18:15, by this time an eschatological figure in popular belief.

65 sn An allusion to Deut 18:15.

66 tn Or “The common people” (as opposed to the religious authorities like the chief priests and Pharisees).

67 tn Or “truly.”

68 sn The Prophet is a reference to the “prophet like Moses” of Deut 18:15, by this time an eschatological figure in popular belief.

69 tn Or “the Messiah” (Both Greek “Christ” and Hebrew and Aramaic “Messiah” mean “one who has been anointed”).

70 tn An initial negative reply (“No”) is suggested by the causal or explanatory γάρ (gar) which begins the clause.

71 tn Questions prefaced with μή (mh) in Greek anticipate a negative answer. This can sometimes be indicated by using a “tag” at the end in English (here the tag is “does he?”).

72 tn Grk “the blind man.”

73 tn Grk “since he opened your eyes” (an idiom referring to restoration of sight).

74 tn Grk “And he said, ‘He is a prophet.’”

75 tn Grk “hear,” but the idea of “hear and obey” or simply “obey” is frequently contained in the Greek verb ἀκούω (akouw; see L&N 36.14) and the following context (v. 23) makes it clear that failure to “obey” the words of this “prophet like Moses” will result in complete destruction.

76 sn A quotation from Deut 18:15. By quoting Deut 18:15 Peter declared that Jesus was the eschatological “prophet like [Moses]” mentioned in that passage, who reveals the plan of God and the way of God.

77 tn Grk “every soul” (here “soul” is an idiom for the whole person).

78 tn Or “will be completely destroyed.” In Acts 3:23 the verb ἐξολεθρεύω (exoleqreuw) is translated “destroy and remove” by L&N 20.35.

79 sn A quotation from Deut 18:19, also Lev 23:29. The OT context of Lev 23:29 discusses what happened when one failed to honor atonement. One ignored the required sacrifice of God at one’s peril.

80 tn Grk “to the sons of Israel.”

81 sn A quotation from Deut 18:15. This quotation sets up Jesus as the “leader-prophet” like Moses (Acts 3:22; Luke 9:35).