Daniel 6:16-17

6:16 So the king gave the order, and Daniel was brought and thrown into a den of lions. The king consoled Daniel by saying, “Your God whom you continually serve will rescue you!” 6:17 Then a stone was brought and placed over the opening to the den. The king sealed it with his signet ring and with those of his nobles so that nothing could be changed with regard to Daniel.

tn Aram “said.” So also in vv. 24, 25.

sn The den was perhaps a pit below ground level which could be safely observed from above.

tn Aram “answered and said [to Daniel].”

tn Aram “mouth.”

sn The purpose of the den being sealed was to prevent unauthorized tampering with the opening of the den. Any disturbance of the seal would immediately alert the officials to improper activity of this sort.

tn Aram “the signet rings.”