Esther 3:13

3:13 Letters were sent by the runners to all the king’s provinces stating that they should destroy, kill, and annihilate all the Jews, from youth to elderly, both women and children, on a particular day, namely the thirteenth day of the twelfth month (that is, the month of Adar), and to loot and plunder their possessions.

Esther 8:11

8:11 The king thereby allowed the Jews who were in every city to assemble and to stand up for themselves – to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate any army of whatever people or province that should become their adversaries, including their women and children, and to confiscate their property.

Psalms 44:22-23

44:22 Yet because of you we are killed all day long;

we are treated like sheep at the slaughtering block.

44:23 Rouse yourself! Why do you sleep, O Lord?

Wake up! Do not reject us forever!

tn The words “stating that” are not in the Hebrew text but have been supplied in the translation for clarity.

tn Heb “children and women.” The translation follows contemporary English idiom, which reverses the order.

tc The LXX does not include the words “on the thirteenth day.”

tn Heb “children and women.” As in 3:13, the translation follows contemporary English idiom, which reverses the order.

tn The statement “because of you” (1) may simply indicate that God is the cause of the Israelites’ defeat (see vv. 9-14, where the nation’s situation is attributed directly to God’s activity, and cf. NEB, NRSV), or (2) it may suggest they suffer because of their allegiance to God (see Ps 69:7 and Jer 15:15). In this case one should translate, “for your sake” (cf. NASB, NIV). The citation of this verse in Rom 8:36 follows the LXX (Ps 43:23 LXX), where the Greek term ἕνεκεν (Jeneken; LXX ἕνεκα) may likewise mean “because of” or “for the sake of” (BDAG 334 s.v. ἕνεκα 1).

tn Or “regarded as.”

tn Heb “like sheep of slaughtering,” that is, sheep destined for slaughter.

sn Wake up! See Ps 35:23.