Exodus 17:2

17:2 So the people contended with Moses, and they said, “Give us water to drink!” Moses said to them, “Why do you contend with me? Why do you test the Lord?”

Psalms 95:9

95:9 where your ancestors challenged my authority,

and tried my patience, even though they had seen my work.

Psalms 106:14

106:14 In the wilderness they had an insatiable craving for meat;

they challenged God in the desert.

Malachi 3:15

3:15 So now we consider the arrogant to be happy; indeed, those who practice evil are successful. In fact, those who challenge 10  God escape!’”

Matthew 4:7

4:7 Jesus said to him, “Once again it is written: ‘You are not to put the Lord your God to the test.’” 11 

Matthew 4:1

The Temptation of Jesus

4:1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness 12  to be tempted by the devil.

Colossians 1:9

Paul’s Prayer for the Growth of the Church

1:9 For this reason we also, from the day we heard about you, 13  have not ceased praying for you and asking God 14  to fill 15  you with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,

Hebrews 3:9

3:9There your fathers tested me and tried me, 16  and they saw my works for forty years.

tn The verb וַיָּרֶב (vayyarev) is from the root רִיב (riv); it forms the basis of the name “Meribah.” The word means “strive, quarrel, be in contention” and even “litigation.” A translation “quarrel” does not appear to capture the magnitude of what is being done here. The people have a legal dispute – they are contending with Moses as if bringing a lawsuit.

tn The imperfect tense with the vav (ו) follows the imperative, and so it carries the nuance of the logical sequence, showing purpose or result. This may be expressed in English as “give us water so that we may drink,” but more simply with the English infinitive, “give us water to drink.”

tn In this case and in the next clause the imperfect tenses are to be taken as progressive imperfects – the action is in progress.

tn The verb נָסָה (nasah) means “to test, tempt, try, prove.” It can be used of people simply trying to do something that they are not sure of (such as David trying on Saul’s armor), or of God testing people to see if they will obey (as in testing Abraham, Gen 22:1), or of people challenging others (as in the Queen of Sheba coming to test Solomon), and of the people in the desert in rebellion putting God to the test. By doubting that God was truly in their midst, and demanding that he demonstrate his presence, they tested him to see if he would act. There are times when “proving” God is correct and required, but that is done by faith (as with Gideon); when it is done out of unbelief, then it is an act of disloyalty.

tn Heb “where your fathers tested me.”

sn They had an insatiable craving. This is described in Num 11:4-35.

10 tn Heb “they craved [with] a craving.”

11 tn Heb “they tested God.”

13 tn Heb “built up” (so NASB); NIV, NRSV “prosper”; NLT “get rich.”

14 tn Or “test”; NRSV, CEV “put God to the test.”

17 sn A quotation from Deut 6:16.

21 tn Or “desert.”

25 tn Or “heard about it”; Grk “heard.” There is no direct object stated in the Greek (direct objects were frequently omitted in Greek when clear from the context). A direct object is expected by an English reader, however, so most translations supply one. Here, however, it is not entirely clear what the author “heard”: a number of translations supply “it” (so KJV, NASB, NRSV; NAB “this”), but this could refer back either to (1) “your love in the Spirit” at the end of v. 8, or (2) “your faith in Christ Jesus and the love that you have for all the saints” (v. 4). In light of this uncertainty, other translations supply “about you” (TEV, NIV, CEV, NLT). This is preferred by the present translation since, while it does not resolve the ambiguity entirely, it does make it less easy for the English reader to limit the reference only to “your love in the Spirit” at the end of v. 8.

26 tn The term “God” does not appear in the Greek text, but the following reference to “the knowledge of his will” makes it clear that “God” is in view as the object of the “praying and asking,” and should therefore be included in the English translation for clarity.

27 tn The ἵνα (Jina) clause has been translated as substantival, indicating the content of the prayer and asking. The idea of purpose may also be present in this clause.

29 tn Grk “tested me by trial.”