Exodus 13:6-8

13:6 For seven days you must eat bread made without yeast, and on the seventh day there is to be a festival to the Lord. 13:7 Bread made without yeast must be eaten for seven days; no bread made with yeast shall be seen among you, and you must have no yeast among you within any of your borders.

13:8 You are to tell your son on that day, ‘It is because of what 10  the Lord did for me when I came out of Egypt.’

tn Heb “Seven days.”

tn The imperfect tense functions with the nuance of instruction or injunction. It could also be given an obligatory nuance: “you must eat” or “you are to eat.” Some versions have simply made it an imperative.

tn The phrase “there is to be” has been supplied.

tn The imperfect has the nuance of instruction or injunction again, but it could also be given an obligatory nuance.

tn The construction is an adverbial accusative of time, answering how long the routine should be followed (see GKC 374 §118.k).

tn Or “visible to you” (B. Jacob, Exodus, 366).

tn The form is the Hiphil perfect with the vav (ו) consecutive, carrying the sequence forward: “and you will declare to your son.”

tn Heb “day, saying.” “Tell…saying” is redundant, so “saying” has not been included in the translation here.

tn “it is” has been supplied.

10 tn The text uses זֶה (zeh), which Gesenius classifies as the use of the pronoun to introduce a relative clause after the preposition (GKC 447 §138.h) – but he thinks the form is corrupt. B. S. Childs, however, sees no reason to posit a corruption in this form (Exodus [OTL], 184).