Ezekiel 18:24

18:24 “But if a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and practices wrongdoing according to all the abominable practices the wicked carry out, will he live? All his righteous acts will not be remembered; because of the unfaithful acts he has done and the sin he has committed, he will die.

Ezekiel 18:26

18:26 When a righteous person turns back from his righteousness and practices wrongdoing, he will die for it; because of the wrongdoing he has done, he will die.

Ezekiel 33:12-13

33:12 “And you, son of man, say to your people, ‘The righteousness of the righteous will not deliver him if he rebels. As for the wicked, his wickedness will not make him stumble if he turns from it. The righteous will not be able to live by his righteousness if he sins.’ 33:13 Suppose I tell the righteous that he will certainly live, but he becomes confident in his righteousness and commits iniquity. None of his righteous deeds will be remembered; because of the iniquity he has committed he will die.

Ezekiel 33:2

33:2 “Son of man, speak to your people, and say to them, ‘Suppose I bring a sword against the land, and the people of the land take one man from their borders and make him their watchman.

Ezekiel 24:2

24:2 “Son of man, write down the name of this day, this very day. The king of Babylon has laid siege to Jerusalem 10  this very day.

Ezekiel 24:17-22

24:17 Groan in silence for the dead, 11  but do not perform mourning rites. 12  Bind on your turban 13  and put your sandals on your feet. Do not cover your lip 14  and do not eat food brought by others.” 15 

24:18 So I spoke to the people in the morning, and my wife died in the evening. In the morning 16  I acted just as I was commanded. 24:19 Then the people said to me, “Will you not tell us what these things you are doing mean for us?”

24:20 So I said to them: “The word of the Lord came to me: 24:21 Say to the house of Israel, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Realize I am about to desecrate my sanctuary – the source of your confident pride, 17  the object in which your eyes delight, 18  and your life’s passion. 19  Your very own sons and daughters whom you have left behind will die 20  by the sword. 24:22 Then you will do as I have done: You will not cover your lip or eat food brought by others. 21 

Psalms 36:3

36:3 The words he speaks are sinful and deceitful;

he does not care about doing what is wise and right. 22 

Psalms 125:5

125:5 As for those who are bent on traveling a sinful path, 23 

may the Lord remove them, 24  along with those who behave wickedly! 25 

May Israel experience peace! 26 

Zephaniah 1:6

1:6 and those who turn their backs on 27  the Lord

and do not want the Lord’s help or guidance.” 28 

Matthew 13:20-21

13:20 The 29  seed sown on rocky ground 30  is the person who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy. 13:21 But he has no root in himself and does not endure; 31  when 32  trouble or persecution comes because of the word, immediately he falls away.

Hebrews 10:38

10:38 But my righteous one will live by faith, and if he shrinks back, I 33  take no pleasure in him. 34 

Hebrews 10:2

10:2 For otherwise would they not have ceased to be offered, since the worshipers would have been purified once for all and so have 35  no further consciousness of sin?

Hebrews 2:18

2:18 For since he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted.

Hebrews 2:1

Warning Against Drifting Away

2:1 Therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.

Hebrews 2:1

Warning Against Drifting Away

2:1 Therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.

tn Heb “because of them he will die.”

tn Heb “for them” or “because of them.”

tn Heb “the sons of your people.”

tn Heb “in the day of his rebellion.” The statement envisions a godly person rejecting what is good and becoming sinful. See D. I. Block, Ezekiel (NICOT), 2:247-48.

tn Heb “and the wickedness of the wicked, he will not stumble in it in the day of his turning from his wickedness.”

tn Heb “by it.”

tn Heb “in the day of his sin.”

tn Heb “sons of your people.”

tn Heb “lean on, put pressure on.”

10 map For location see Map5-B1; Map6-F3; Map7-E2; Map8-F2; Map10-B3; JP1-F4; JP2-F4; JP3-F4; JP4-F4.

11 tn Or “Groan silently. As to the dead….” Cf. M. Greenberg’s suggestion that דֹּם מֵתִים (dom metim) be taken together and דֹּם be derived from ָדּמַם (damam, “to moan, murmur”). See M. Greenberg, Ezekiel (AB), 2:508.

12 tn Heb “(For) the dead mourning you shall not conduct.” In the Hebrew text the word translated “dead” is plural, indicating that mourning rites are in view. Such rites would involve outward demonstrations of one’s sorrow, including wailing and weeping.

13 sn The turban would normally be removed for mourning (Josh 7:6; 1 Sam 4:12).

14 sn Mourning rites included covering the lower part of the face. See Lev 13:45.

15 tn Heb “the bread of men.” The translation follows the suggestion accepted by M. Greenberg (Ezekiel [AB], 2:509) that this refers to a meal brought by comforters to the one mourning. Some repoint the consonantal text to read “the bread of despair” (see L. C. Allen, Ezekiel [WBC], 2:56), while others, with support from the Targum and Vulgate, emend the consonantal text to read “the bread of mourners” (see D. I. Block, Ezekiel [NICOT], 1:784).

16 tn This may refer to the following morning. For a discussion of various interpretive options in understanding the chronology reflected in verse 18, see D. I. Block, Ezekiel (NICOT), 1:790.

17 tn Heb “the pride of your strength” means “your strong pride.”

18 sn Heb “the delight of your eyes.” Just as Ezekiel was deprived of his beloved wife (v. 16, the “desire” of his “eyes”) so the Lord would be forced to remove the object of his devotion, the temple, which symbolized his close relationship to his covenant people.

19 tn Heb “the object of compassion of your soul.” The accentuation in the traditional Hebrew text indicates that the descriptive phrases (“the source of your confident pride, the object in which your eyes delight, and your life’s passion”) modify the preceding “my sanctuary.”

20 tn Heb “fall.”

21 tn See v. 17.

22 tn Heb “he ceases to exhibit wisdom to do good.” The Hiphil forms are exhibitive, indicating the outward expression of an inner attitude.

23 tn Heb “and the ones making their paths twisted.” A sinful lifestyle is compared to a twisting, winding road.

24 tn Heb “lead them away.” The prefixed verbal form is understood as a jussive of prayer here (note the prayers directly before and after this). Another option is to translate, “the Lord will remove them” (cf. NIV, NRSV).

25 tn Heb “the workers of wickedness.”

26 tn Heb “peace [be] upon Israel.” The statement is understood as a prayer (see Ps 122:8 for a similar prayer for peace).

27 tn Heb “turn back from [following] after.”

28 tn Heb “who do not seek the Lord and do not inquire of him.” The present translation assumes the first verb refers to praying for divine help and the second to seeking his revealed will through an oracle. Note the usage of the two verbs in 2 Chr 20:3-4.

29 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

30 tn Grk “The one sown on rocky ground, this is the one.” The next two statements like this one have this same syntactical structure.

31 tn Grk “is temporary.”

32 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

33 tn Grk “my soul.”

34 sn A quotation from Hab 2:4.

35 tn Grk “the worshipers, having been purified once for all, would have.”