65:11 But as for you who abandon the Lord
and forget about worshiping at 1 my holy mountain,
who prepare a feast for the god called ‘Fortune,’ 2
and fill up wine jugs for the god called ‘Destiny’ 3 –
1 tn The Hebrew text has simply, “forget.” The words “about worshiping at” are supplied in the translation for clarification.
2 tn The Hebrew has לַגַּד (laggad, “for Gad”), the name of a pagan deity. See HALOT 176 s.v. II גַּד 2.
3 tn The Hebrew has לַמְנִי (lamni, “for Meni”), the name of a pagan deity. See HALOT 602 s.v. מְגִי.
1 sn The word table, here a synonym for “altar,” has overtones of covenant imagery in which a feast shared by the covenant partners was an important element (see Exod 24:11). It also draws attention to the analogy of sitting down at a common meal with the governor (v. 8).