Ezekiel 44:19-20

44:19 When they go out to the outer court to the people, they must remove the garments they were ministering in, and place them in the holy chambers; they must put on other garments so that they will not transmit holiness to the people with their garments.

44:20 “‘They must not shave their heads nor let their hair grow long; they must only trim their heads.

sn For a similar concept of the transmitting of holiness, see Exod 19:12-14; Lev 10:1-2; 2 Sam 6:7. Similar laws concerning the priest are found in Lev 10 and 21.

sn The shaving of the head was associated with mourning (Ezek 7:18).

sn Letting the hair grow was associated with the taking of a vow (Num 6:5; Acts 21:23-26).