7:1 The Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, for I consider you godly among this generation. 1
32:2 Now at that time, 9 the armies of the king of Babylon were besieging Jerusalem. 10 The prophet Jeremiah was confined in the courtyard of the guardhouse 11 attached to the royal palace of Judah.
2:7 I brought you 12 into a fertile land
so you could enjoy 13 its fruits and its rich bounty.
But when you entered my land, you defiled it; 14
you made the land I call my own 15 loathsome to me.
2:9 “So, once more I will state my case 16 against you,” says the Lord.
“I will also state it against your children and grandchildren. 17
1 tn Heb “for you I see [as] godly before me in this generation.” The direct object (“you”) is placed first in the clause to give it prominence. The verb “to see” here signifies God’s evaluative discernment.
2 tn The word רָשָׁע (rasha’) has the sense of a guilty criminal. The word “wicked” sometimes gives the wrong connotation. These men were opposing the
3 tn The preposition bet (בְּ) in this line is causal – “on account of their sins.”
4 sn The impression is that the people did not hear what the
3 tn Heb “the house of the woman, the prostitute.”
4 tn Heb “and bring out from there the woman and all who belong to her as you swore on oath to her.”
4 tn Or “placed them outside.”
5 tn Heb “I will give to them one heart and one way to [= in order that they may] fear me all the days for good to them.” The phrase “one heart” refers both to unanimity of will and accord (cf. 1 Chr 12:38 [12:39 HT]; 2 Chr 30:12) and to singleness of purpose or intent (cf. Ezek 11:19 and see BDB 525 s.v. ֵלב 4 where reference is made to “inclinations, resolutions, and determinations of the will”). The phrase “one way” refers to one way of life or conduct (cf. BDB 203 s.v. דֶּרֶךְ 6.a where reference is made to moral action and character), a way of life that is further qualified by the goal of showing “fear, reverence, respect” for the
6 sn Jer 32:2-5 are parenthetical, giving the background for the actual report of what the
7 sn According to Jer 39:1 the siege began in Zedekiah’s ninth year (i.e., in 589/88
8 tn Heb “the courtyard of the guarding” or “place of guarding.” This expression occurs only in the book of Jeremiah (32:2, 8, 12; 33:1; 37:21; 38:6, 12, 28; 39:14, 15) and in Neh 3:25. It is not the same as an enclosed prison which is where Jeremiah was initially confined (37:15-16; literally a “house of imprisoning” [בֵּית הָאֵסוּר, bet ha’esur] or “house of confining” [בֵּית הַכֶּלֶא, bet hakkele’]). It is said to have been in the palace compound (32:2) near the citadel or upper palace (Neh 3:25). Though it was a place of confinement (32:2; 33:1; 39:15) Jeremiah was able to receive visitors, e.g., his cousin Hanamel (32:8) and the scribe Baruch (32:12), and conduct business there (32:12). According to 32:12 other Judeans were also housed there. A cistern of one of the royal princes, Malkijah, was located in this courtyard, so this is probably not a “prison compound” as NJPS interpret but a courtyard adjacent to a guardhouse or guard post (so G. L. Keown, P. J. Scalise, T. G. Smothers, Jeremiah 26-52 [WBC], 151, and compare Neh 12:39 where reference is made to a Gate of the Guard/Guardhouse) used here for housing political prisoners who did not deserve death or solitary confinement as some of the officials though Jeremiah did.
7 sn Note how contemporary Israel is again identified with her early ancestors. See the study note on 2:2.
8 tn Heb “eat.”
9 sn I.e., made it ceremonially unclean. See Lev 18:19-30; Num 35:34; Deut 21:23.
10 tn Heb “my inheritance.” Or “the land [i.e., inheritance] I gave you,” reading the pronoun as indicating source rather than possession. The parallelism and the common use in Jeremiah of the term to refer to the land or people as the
8 tn Or “bring charges against you.”
9 tn The words “your children and” are supplied in the translation to bring out the idea of corporate solidarity implicit in the passage.