Hebrews 1:10

1:10 And,

You founded the earth in the beginning, Lord,

and the heavens are the works of your hands.

Hebrews 2:2

2:2 For if the message spoken through angels proved to be so firm that every violation or disobedience received its just penalty,

Hebrews 5:4

5:4 And no one assumes this honor on his own initiative, but only when called to it by God, as in fact Aaron was.

Hebrews 6:6

6:6 and then have committed apostasy, to renew them again to repentance, since they are crucifying the Son of God for themselves all over again and holding him up to contempt.

Hebrews 6:9

6:9 But in your case, dear friends, even though we speak like this, we are convinced of better things relating to salvation.

Hebrews 6:19

6:19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, sure and steadfast, which reaches inside behind the curtain, 10 

Hebrews 9:21-22

9:21 And both the tabernacle and all the utensils of worship he likewise sprinkled with blood. 9:22 Indeed according to the law almost everything was purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

Hebrews 11:19

11:19 and he reasoned 11  that God could even raise him from the dead, and in a sense 12  he received him back from there.

Hebrews 12:19

12:19 and the blast of a trumpet and a voice uttering words 13  such that those who heard begged to hear no more. 14 

Hebrews 12:21

12:21 In fact, the scene 15  was so terrifying that Moses said, “I shudder with fear.” 16 

Hebrews 13:4

13:4 Marriage must be honored among all and the marriage bed kept undefiled, for God will judge sexually immoral people and adulterers.

sn You founded the earthyour years will never run out. In its original setting Ps 102:25-27 refers to the work of God in creation, but here in Hebrews 1:10-12 the writer employs it in reference to Christ, the Lord, making a strong argument for the essential deity of the Son.

sn The message spoken through angels refers to the OT law, which according to Jewish tradition was mediated to Moses through angels (cf. Deut 33:2; Ps 68:17-18; Acts 7:38, 53; Gal 3:19; and Jub. 1:27, 29; Josephus, Ant. 15.5.3 [15.136]).

tn Grk “through angels became valid and every violation.”

sn Honor refers here to the honor of the high priesthood.

tn Grk “by himself, on his own.”

tn Grk “being called by God.”

tn Or “have fallen away.”

tn Or “while”; Grk “crucifying…and holding.” The Greek participles here (“crucifying…and holding”) can be understood as either causal (“since”) or temporal (“while”).

tn Grk “recrucifying the son of God for themselves.”

sn The curtain refers to the veil or drape in the temple that separated the holy place from the holy of holies.

tn Grk “having reasoned,” continuing the ideas of v. 17.

tn Grk “in/by a symbol.”

tn Grk “a voice of words.”

tn Grk “a voice…from which those who heard begged that a word not be added to them.”

tn Grk “that which appeared.”

tn Grk “I am terrified and trembling.”