1 tn Grk “to whom.”
2 tn Or “a tenth part.”
3 tn Or “the priesthood.”
4 tn Grk “from their brothers.” See BDAG 18-19 s.v. ἀδελφός 2.b.
5 tn Grk “have come from the loins of Abraham.”
5 tn Grk “the one”; in the translation the referent (Melchizedek) has been specified for clarity.
6 tn Grk “is not descended from them.”
7 tn Or “a tenth part.”
8 sn The verbs “collected…and blessed” emphasize the continuing effect of the past actions, i.e., Melchizedek’s importance.
7 tn Grk “in the loins of his father” (a reference to Abraham). The name “Abraham” has been repeated in the translation at this point (cf. v. 9) in order to clarify the referent (i.e., what ancestor was in view).