Isaiah 42:23

42:23 Who among you will pay attention to this?

Who will listen attentively in the future?

Joel 1:2

A Locust Plague Foreshadows the Day of the Lord

1:2 Listen to this, you elders;

pay attention, all inhabitants of the land.

Has anything like this ever happened in your whole life

or in the lifetime of your ancestors?

Revelation 2:29

2:29 The one who has an ear had better hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’

tn The interrogative particle is understood in the second line by ellipsis (note the preceding line).

sn Elders here refers not necessarily to men advanced in years, but to leaders within the community.

tn Heb “give ear.”

tn Heb “days.” The term “days” functions here as a synecdoche for one’s lifespan.

tn Heb “days.”

tn Heb “fathers.”