Jeremiah 4:12

4:12 No, a wind too strong for that will come at my bidding.

Yes, even now I, myself, am calling down judgment on them.’

Jeremiah 4:28

4:28 Because of this the land will mourn

and the sky above will grow black.

For I have made my purpose known

and I will not relent or turn back from carrying it out.”

tn The word “No” is not in the text but is carried over from the connection with the preceding line “not for…”

tn Heb “will speak judgments against them.”

sn The earth and the heavens are personified here and depicted in the act of mourning and wearing black clothes because of the destruction of the land of Israel.

tn Heb “has spoken and purposed.” This is an example of hendiadys where two verbs are joined by “and” but one is meant to serve as a modifier of the other.

tn Heb “will not turn back from it.”