Job 10:2

10:2 I will say to God, ‘Do not condemn me;

tell me why you are contending with me.’

Ezekiel 18:28

18:28 Because he considered and turned from all the sins he had done, he will surely live; he will not die.

Haggai 1:5

1:5 Here then is what the Lord who rules over all says: ‘Think carefully about what you are doing.

Haggai 1:7

The Instruction of the People

1:7 “Moreover, the Lord who rules over all says: ‘Pay close attention to these things also.

Luke 15:17-19

15:17 But when he came to his senses he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired workers have food enough to spare, but here I am dying from hunger! 15:18 I will get up and go to my father and say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven 10  and against 11  you. 15:19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me 12  like one of your hired workers.”’

tn The negated jussive is the Hiphil jussive of רָשַׁע (rasha’); its meaning then would be literally “do not declare me guilty.” The negated jussive stresses the immediacy of the request.

tn The Hiphil imperative of יָדַע (yada’) would more literally be “cause me to know.” It is a plea for God to help him understand the afflictions.

tn The verb is רִיב (riv), meaning “to dispute; to contend; to strive; to quarrel” – often in the legal sense. The precise words chosen in this verse show that the setting is legal. The imperfect verb here is progressive, expressing what is currently going on.

tn Heb “he saw.”

tn Heb “Set your heart upon your ways” (see 2:15, 18); traditionally “Consider your ways” (so KJV, ASV, NAB, NASB).

tn Heb “Set your heart upon your ways”; see v. 5.

tn Grk “came to himself” (an idiom).

tn Grk “bread,” but used figuratively for food of any kind (L&N 5.1).

sn In the confession “I have sinned” there is a recognition of wrong that pictures the penitent coming home and “being found.”

10 sn The phrase against heaven is a circumlocution for God.

11 tn According to BDAG 342 s.v. ἐνωπιον 4.a, “in relation to ἁμαρτάνειν ἐ. τινος sin against someone Lk 15:18, 21 (cf. Jdth 5:17; 1 Km 7:6; 20:1).”

12 tn Or “make me.” Here is a sign of total humility.