37:2 Listen carefully 1 to the thunder of his voice,
to the rumbling 2 that proceeds from his mouth.
37:2 Listen carefully 3 to the thunder of his voice,
to the rumbling 4 that proceeds from his mouth.
1 tn The imperative is followed by the infinitive absolute from the same root to express the intensity of the verb.
2 tn The word is the usual word for “to meditate; to murmur; to groan”; here it refers to the low building of the thunder as it rumbles in the sky. The thunder is the voice of God (see Ps 29).
3 tn The imperative is followed by the infinitive absolute from the same root to express the intensity of the verb.
4 tn The word is the usual word for “to meditate; to murmur; to groan”; here it refers to the low building of the thunder as it rumbles in the sky. The thunder is the voice of God (see Ps 29).