Job 38:41

38:41 Who prepares prey for the raven,

when its young cry out to God

and wander about for lack of food?

Psalms 104:21

104:21 The lions roar for prey,

seeking their food from God.

Psalms 145:15

145:15 Everything looks to you in anticipation,

and you provide them with food on a regular basis.

Psalms 147:9

147:9 He gives food to the animals,

and to the young ravens when they chirp.

tn The verse is difficult, making some suspect that a line has dropped out. The little birds in the nest hardly go wandering about looking for food. Dhorme suggest “and stagger for lack of food.”

sn The lions’ roaring is viewed as a request for food from God.

tn Heb “the eyes of all wait for you.”

tn Heb “and you give to them their food in its season” (see Ps 104:27).

tn Heb “which cry out.”