John 10:40-42

10:40 Jesus went back across the Jordan River again to the place where John had been baptizing at an earlier time, and he stayed there. 10:41 Many came to him and began to say, “John performed no miraculous sign, but everything John said about this man was true!” 10:42 And many believed in Jesus there.

Luke 9:51

Rejection in Samaria

9:51 Now when 10  the days drew near 11  for him to be taken up, 12  Jesus 13  set out resolutely 14  to go to Jerusalem. 15 

Acts 15:36

Paul and Barnabas Part Company

15:36 After some days Paul said to Barnabas, “Let’s return 16  and visit the brothers in every town where we proclaimed the word of the Lord 17  to see how they are doing.” 18 

Acts 20:22-24

20:22 And now, 19  compelled 20  by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem 21  without knowing what will happen to me there, 22  20:23 except 23  that the Holy Spirit warns 24  me in town after town 25  that 26  imprisonment 27  and persecutions 28  are waiting for me. 20:24 But I do not consider my life 29  worth anything 30  to myself, so that 31  I may finish my task 32  and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the good news 33  of God’s grace.

tn Grk “He”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

tn The word “River” is not in the Greek text but is supplied for clarity.

sn John refers to John the Baptist.

tn Grk “formerly.”

tn Grk “And many.” Because of the difference between Greek style, which often begins sentences or clauses with “and,” and English style, which generally does not, καί (kai) has not been translated here.

sn John refers to John the Baptist.

tn Grk “did.”

tn Grk “this one.”

tn Grk “in him.”

10 tn Grk “And it happened that when.” The introductory phrase ἐγένετο (egeneto, “it happened that”), common in Luke (69 times) and Acts (54 times), is redundant in contemporary English and has not been translated.

11 tn Grk “the days were being fulfilled.” There is literary design here. This starts what has been called in the Gospel of Luke the “Jerusalem Journey.” It is not a straight-line trip, but a journey to meet his fate (Luke 13:31-35).

12 sn Taken up is a reference to Jesus’ upcoming return to heaven by crucifixion and resurrection (compare Luke 9:31). This term was used in the LXX of Elijah’s departure in 2 Kgs 2:9.

13 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

14 tn Grk “he set his face,” a Semitic idiom that speaks of a firm, unshakable resolve to do something (Gen 31:21; Isa 50:7).

15 map For location see Map5-B1; Map6-F3; Map7-E2; Map8-F2; Map10-B3; JP1-F4; JP2-F4; JP3-F4; JP4-F4.

16 tn Grk “Returning let us visit.” The participle ἐπιστρέψαντες (epistreyante") has been translated as a finite verb due to requirements of contemporary English style.

17 tn See the note on the phrase “word of the Lord” in v. 35.

18 tn BDAG 422 s.v. ἔχω 10.b has “how they are” for this phrase.

19 tn Grk “And now, behold.” Here ἰδού (idou) has not been translated.

20 tn Grk “bound.”

21 sn This journey to Jerusalem suggests a parallel between Paul and Jesus, since the “Jerusalem journey” motif figures so prominently in Luke’s Gospel (9:51-19:44).

22 tn BDAG 965 s.v. συναντάω 2 has τὰ ἐν αὐτῇ συναντήσοντα ἐμοὶ μὴ εἰδώς without knowing what will happen to me there Ac 20:22.”

23 tn BDAG 826 s.v. πλήν 1.d has “πλὴν ὅτι except that…Ac 20:23.”

24 tn The verb διαμαρτύρομαι (diamarturomai) can mean “warn” (BDAG 233 s.v. διαμαρτύρομαι 2 has “solemnly urge, exhort, warn…w. dat. of pers. addressed”), and this meaning better fits the context here, although BDAG categorizes Acts 20:23 under the meaning “testify of, bear witness to” (s.v. 1).

25 tn The Greek text here reads κατὰ πόλιν (kata polin).

26 tn Grk “saying that,” but the participle λέγον (legon) is redundant in English and has not been translated.

27 tn Grk “bonds.”

28 tn Or “troubles,” “suffering.” See Acts 19:21; 21:4, 11.

29 tn Grk “soul.”

30 tn Or “I do not consider my life worth a single word.” According to BDAG 599 s.v. λόγος 1.a.α, “In the textually uncertain pass. Ac 20:24 the text as it stands in N., οὐδενὸς λόγου (v.l. λόγον) ποιοῦμαι τὴν ψυχὴν τιμίαν, may well mean: I do not consider my life worth a single word (cp. λόγου ἄξιον [ἄξιος 1a] and our ‘worth mention’).”

31 tn BDAG 1106 s.v. ὡς 9 describes this use as “a final particle, expressing intention/purpose, with a view to, in order to.”

32 tn Grk “course.” See L&N 42.26, “(a figurative extension of meaning of δρόμος ‘race’) a task or function involving continuity, serious, effort, and possibly obligation – ‘task, mission’…Ac 20:24.” On this Pauline theme see also Phil 1:19-26; Col 1:24; 2 Tim 4:6-7.

33 tn Or “to the gospel.”