8:10 Bright and early the next morning Joshua gathered 12 the army, 13 and he and the leaders 14 of Israel marched 15 at the head of it 16 to Ai. 8:11 All the troops that were with him marched up and drew near the city. 17 They camped north of Ai on the other side of the valley. 18 8:12 He took five thousand men and set an ambush west of the city between Bethel 19 and Ai. 8:13 The army was in position – the main army north of the city and the rear guard west of the city. That night Joshua went into 20 the middle of the valley.
8:14 When the king of Ai saw Israel, he and his whole army quickly got up the next day and went out to fight Israel at the meeting place near the Arabah. 21 But he did not realize 22 men were hiding behind the city. 23 8:15 Joshua and all Israel pretended to be defeated by them and they retreated along the way to the desert. 8:16 All the reinforcements 24 in Ai 25 were ordered 26 to chase them; they chased Joshua and were lured away from the city. 8:17 No men were left in Ai or Bethel; 27 they all went out after Israel. 28 They left the city wide open and chased Israel.
8:18 The Lord told Joshua, “Hold out toward Ai the curved sword in your hand, for I am handing the city 29 over to you.” So Joshua held out toward Ai the curved sword in his hand.
1 tn Or “commanded, ordered.”
1 tn Heb “the people.”
1 tn Heb “come out after.”
1 tn Heb “from the ambush.”
2 tn Heb “take possession of.”
1 tn Heb “the city.”
2 tn Heb “I have commanded you.”
1 tn Or “the place of ambush.”
2 map For location see Map4-G4; Map5-C1; Map6-E3; Map7-D1; Map8-G3.
3 tn Heb “and they stayed between Bethel and Ai, west of Ai.”
4 tn Heb “in the midst of the people.”
1 tn Or “summoned, mustered.”
2 tn Heb “the people.”
3 tn Or “elders.”
4 tn Heb “went up.”
5 tn Heb “them” (referring to “the people” in the previous clause, which requires a plural pronoun). Since the translation used “army” in the previous clause, a singular pronoun (“it”) is required in English.
1 tn Heb “All the people of war who were with him went up and approached and came opposite the city.”
2 tn Heb “and the valley [was] between them and Ai.”
1 map For location see Map4-G4; Map5-C1; Map6-E3; Map7-D1; Map8-G3.
1 tn Some Hebrew
1 tn Heb “When the king of Ai saw, the men of Ai hurried and rose early and went out to meet Israel for battle, he and all his people at the meeting place before the Arabah.”
2 tn Or “know.”
3 tn Heb “that (there was) an ambush for him behind the city.”
1 tn Heb “All the people.”
2 tc Some textual witnesses read “the city.”
3 tn Or “were summoned”; or “were mustered.”
1 tc The LXX omits the words “or Bethel.”
2 tn Heb “who did not go out after Israel.”
1 tn Heb “it”; the referent (the city of Ai) has been specified in the translation for clarity.