26:34 “‘Then the land will make up for 3 its Sabbaths all the days it lies desolate while you are in the land of your enemies; then the land will rest and make up its Sabbaths. 26:35 All the days of the desolation it will have the rest it did not have 4 on your Sabbaths when you lived on it.
25:1 If controversy arises between people, 21 they should go to court for judgment. When the judges 22 hear the case, they shall exonerate 23 the innocent but condemn 24 the guilty.
25:1 If controversy arises between people, 25 they should go to court for judgment. When the judges 26 hear the case, they shall exonerate 27 the innocent but condemn 28 the guilty.
1 tn Heb “And I will give your cities a waste”; NLT “make your cities desolate.”
2 tn Heb “and I will empty sword” (see HALOT 1228 s.v. ריק 3).
3 tn There are two Hebrew roots רָצָה (ratsah), one meaning “to be pleased with; to take pleasure” (HALOT 1280-81 s.v. רצה; cf. “enjoy” in NASB, NIV, NRSV, and J. E. Hartley, Leviticus [WBC], 452), and the other meaning “to restore” (HALOT 1281-82 s.v. II רצה; cf. NAB “retrieve” and B. A. Levine, Leviticus [JPSTC], 189).
4 tn Heb “it shall rest which it did not rest.”
5 sn I invoke heaven and earth as witnesses against you. This stock formula introduces what is known form-critically as a רִיב (riv) or controversy pattern. It is commonly used in the ancient Near Eastern world in legal contexts and in the OT as a forensic or judicial device to draw attention to Israel’s violation of the
6 tn Or “be destroyed”; KJV “utterly perish”; NLT “will quickly disappear”; CEV “you won’t have long to live.”
7 tn Or “be completely” (so NCV, TEV). It is not certain here if the infinitive absolute indicates the certainty of the following action (cf. NIV) or its degree.
6 tn Heb “the
7 tn Heb “you will not be confident in your life.” The phrase “from one day to the next” is implied by the following verse.
8 tn The Hebrew text uses the infinitive absolute for emphasis, which the translation indicates with “certainly.”
9 tn Heb “to go there to possess it.”
9 tn Heb “sons” (so NASB); KJV, ASV, NAB, NIV, NRSV, NLT “children.”
10 tn Or “heart and soul” (also in vv. 6, 10).
11 tn Heb “according to all.”
10 tn Heb “to the
11 tn The Hebrew word תּוֹעֵבָה (to’evah, “an abomination”; cf. NAB) describes persons, things, or practices offensive to ritual or moral order. See M. Grisanti, NIDOTTE 4:314-18; see also the note on the word “abhorrent” in Deut 7:25.
11 tn Heb “to the
12 tn The Hebrew word תּוֹעֵבָה (to’evah, “an abomination”; cf. NAB) describes persons, things, or practices offensive to ritual or moral order. See M. Grisanti, NIDOTTE 4:314-18; see also the note on the word “abhorrent” in Deut 7:25.
12 tn Heb “gates.”
13 tn Heb “does the evil in the eyes of the
13 tn Heb “men.”
14 tn Heb “they”; the referent (the judges) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
15 tn Heb “declare to be just”; KJV, NASB “justify the righteous”; NAB, NIV “acquitting the innocent.”
16 tn Heb “declare to be evil”; NIV “condemning the guilty (+ party NAB).”
14 tn Heb “men.”
15 tn Heb “they”; the referent (the judges) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
16 tn Heb “declare to be just”; KJV, NASB “justify the righteous”; NAB, NIV “acquitting the innocent.”
17 tn Heb “declare to be evil”; NIV “condemning the guilty (+ party NAB).”
15 tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.
16 tn Grk “by the mouth of the sword” (an idiom for the edge of a sword).
17 sn Here is the predicted judgment against the nation until the time of Gentile rule has passed: Its people will be led away as captives.
18 tn Grk “And Jerusalem.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.
19 sn Until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled implies a time when Israel again has a central role in God’s plan.