Leviticus 7:11

The Peace Offering

7:11 “‘This is the law of the peace offering sacrifice which he is to present to the Lord.

Leviticus 11:46

11:46 This is the law of the land animals, the birds, all the living creatures that move in the water, and all the creatures that swarm on the land,

Leviticus 13:59

Summary of Infection Regulations

13:59 This is the law of the diseased infection in the garment of wool or linen, or the warp or woof, or any article of leather, for pronouncing it clean or unclean.

Leviticus 14:54-57

Summary of Purification Regulations for Infections

14:54 “This is the law for all diseased infections, for scall, 14:55 for the diseased garment, for the house, 14:56 for the swelling, for the scab, 10  and for the bright spot, 11  14:57 to teach when something is unclean and when it is clean. 12  This is the law for dealing with infectious disease.” 13 

Leviticus 15:32-33

15:32 This is the law of the one with a discharge: the one who has a seminal emission 14  and becomes unclean by it, 15  15:33 the one who is sick in her menstruation, the one with a discharge, whether male or female, 16  and a man 17  who has sexual intercourse with an unclean woman.’”

tn This “he” pronoun refers to the offerer. Smr and LXX have plural “they.”

sn The Hebrew term translated “law” (תוֹרָה, torah) introduces here a summary or colophon for all of Lev 11. Similar summaries are found in Lev 7:37-38; 13:59; 14:54-57; and 15:32-33.

tn Heb “for all the creatures.”

sn The Hebrew term translated “law” (תוֹרָה, torah) introduces here a summary or colophon for all of Lev 13. Similar summaries are found in Lev 7:37-38; 11:46-47; 14:54-57; and 15:32-33.

tn These are declarative Piel forms of the verbs טָהֵר (taher) and טָמֵא (tame’) respectively (cf. the notes on vv. 3 and 6 above).

tn Heb “and for the scall”; NASB “a scale”; NIV “any infectious skin disease.” Cf. Lev 13:29-37.

sn Cf. Lev 13:47-59.

sn Cf. Lev 14:33-53.

sn Cf. Lev 13:9-28, 43.

sn Cf. Lev 13:2.

sn Cf. Lev 13:4, 18-28, 38-39. For explanations of all these terms for disease in Lev 14:56 see 13:2.

tn Heb “to teach in the day of the unclean and in the day of the clean.”

tn Heb “This is the law of the disease.” Some English versions specify this as “skin disease” (e.g., NIV, NLT), but then have to add “and (+ infectious NLT) mildew” (so NIV) because a house would not be infected with a skin disease.

tn Heb “and who a lying of seed goes out from him.”

tn Heb “to become unclean in it.”

tn Heb “and the one with a discharge, his discharge to the male and the female.”

10 tn Heb “and for a man.”