24:5 “You must take choice wheat flour 11 and bake twelve loaves; 12 there must be two tenths of an ephah of flour in 13 each loaf,
1 tn Heb “Then he”; the referent (apparently still the priest) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
2 tn This translation (“remove its entrails by [cutting off] its tail feathers”) is based on the discussion in J. Milgrom, Leviticus (AB), 1:169-71, although he translates, “remove its crissum by its feathers.” Others possibilities include “its crop with its contents” (Tg. Onq., cf. NIV, NRSV; J. E. Hartley, Leviticus [WBC], 23) or “its crop with its feathers” (LXX, NASB, RSV; “crop” refers to the enlarged part of a bird’s gullet that serves a pouch for the preliminary maceration of food).
3 tn The pronoun “them” here is feminine singular in Hebrew and refers collectively to the entrails and tail wing which have been removed.
4 tn Heb “And the anointed priest under him.”
7 tn Heb “holiness of holinesses [or holy of holies] it is” (also in 7:1).
10 tn Heb “every divider of hoof and cleaver of the cleft of hooves”; KJV, ASV “parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted.”
11 tn Heb “bringer up of the cud” (a few of the ancient versions include the conjunction “and,” but it does not appear in the MT). The following verses make it clear that both dividing the hoof and chewing the cud were required; one of these conditions would not be enough to make the animal suitable for eating without the other.
13 tn Heb “And a woman who a man lies with her a lying of seed.”
16 tn Heb “And the land will not vomit you out in your defiling it.”
17 tc The MT reads the singular “nation” and is followed by ASV, NASB, NRSV; the LXX, Syriac, and Targum have the plural “nations” (cf. v. 24).
19 sn See the note on Lev 2:1.
20 tn Heb “and bake it twelve loaves”; KJV, NAB, NASB “cakes.”
21 tn The words “of flour” are supplied in the translation for clarity.
22 tn Heb “and the priest shall cause it to be valued.” See the note on v. 8 above.