4:8 “‘Then he must take up all the fat from the sin offering bull: 4 the fat covering the entrails 5 and all the fat surrounding the entrails, 6 4:9 the two kidneys with the fat on their sinews, and the protruding lobe on the liver (which he is to remove along with the kidneys) 7 4:10 – just as it is taken from the ox of the peace offering sacrifice 8 – and the priest must offer them up in smoke on the altar of burnt offering.
32:38 who ate the best of their sacrifices,
and drank the wine of their drink offerings?
Let them rise and help you;
let them be your refuge!
32:1 Listen, O heavens, and I will speak;
hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.
2:16 So it was that after all the military men had been eliminated from the community, 12 2:17 the Lord said to me,
28:27 For the heart of this people has become dull, 13
and their ears are hard of hearing, 14
and they have closed their eyes,
so that they would not see with their eyes
and hear with their ears
and understand with their heart
and turn, 15 and I would heal them.”’ 16
1 tn The words “This is” are not in the Hebrew text, but are supplied due to requirements of English style.
2 tn Heb “for your generations”; NAB “for your descendants”; NLT “for you and all your descendants.”
3 tn Heb “all fat and all blood you must not eat.”
1 tn Heb “all the fat of the bull of the sin offering he shall take up from it.”
2 tc The MT has here the preposition עַל (’al, “on, upon” [i.e., “which covers on the entrails,” as awkward in Hebrew as it is in English]), but Smr, LXX, Syriac, and Targums read אֶת (’et), which is what would be expected (i.e., “which covers the entrails”; cf. Lev 3:3, 9, 14). It may have been mistakenly inserted here under the influence of “on (עַל) the entrails” at the end of the verse.
3 tn Heb “and all the fat on the entrails.” The fat layer that covers the entrails as a whole (i.e., “that covers the entrails”) is different from the fat that surrounds and adheres to the various organs (“on the entrails,” i.e., surrounding them; J. Milgrom, Leviticus [AB], 1:205-7).
1 tn Heb “and the protruding lobe on the liver on the kidneys he shall remove it.”
1 tn Heb “taken up from”; KJV, ASV “taken off from”; NAB, NASB, NIV, NRSV “removed.” See the notes on Lev 3:3-4 above (cf. also 3:9-10, 14-15).
1 tn For the translation “splash” see the note on Lev 1:5.
2 tn The LXX adds “all around” (i.e., Hebrew סָבִיב [saviv, “all around”]), which is normal for this overall construction (see, e.g., Lev 1:5; 3:8, etc.).
1 tn Heb “from the middle of.” Although many recent English versions leave this expression untranslated, the point seems to be that these soldiers did not die in battle but “within the camp.”
1 tn Heb “and it was when they were eliminated, all the men of war, to die from the midst of the people.”
1 tn Or “insensitive.”
2 tn Grk “they hear heavily with their ears” (an idiom for slow comprehension).
3 sn Note how the failure to respond to the message of the gospel is seen as a failure to turn.
4 sn A quotation from Isa 6:9-10.
1 tn Grk “are about to, are certainly going to.”
2 sn This remark is parenthetical to Paul’s argument.