1:36 “And look, 1 your relative 2 Elizabeth has also become pregnant with 3 a son in her old age – although she was called barren, she is now in her sixth month! 4 1:37 For nothing 5 will be impossible with God.”
1 tn Grk “behold.”
2 tn Some translations render the word συγγενίς (sungeni") as “cousin” (so Phillips) but the term is not necessarily this specific.
3 tn Or “has conceived.”
4 tn Grk “and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren.” Yet another note on Elizabeth’s loss of reproach also becomes a sign of the truth of the angel’s declaration.
5 tn In Greek, the phrase πᾶν ῥῆμα (pan rJhma, “nothing”) has an emphatic position, giving it emphasis as the lesson in the entire discussion. The remark is a call for faith.