22:21 “But look, the hand of the one who betrays 4 me is with me on the table. 5
1 tn The words “he took” are not in the Greek text at this point, but are an understood repetition from v. 19.
2 tn The phrase “after they had eaten” translates the temporal infinitive construction μετὰ τὸ δειπνῆσαι (meta to deipnhsai), where the verb δειπνέω (deipnew) means “to eat a meal” or “to have a meal.”
3 sn Jesus’ death established the forgiveness promised in the new covenant of Jer 31:31. Jesus is reinterpreting the symbolism of the Passover meal, indicating the presence of a new era.
4 sn The one who betrays me. Jesus knows about Judas and what he has done.
5 sn The point of Jesus’ comment here is not to identify the specific individual per se, but to indicate that it is one who was close to him – somebody whom no one would suspect. His comment serves to heighten the treachery of Judas’ betrayal.